petek, 3. oktober 2014


Človek mora biti praktičen, sploh kar se tiče hrane.

Če se zgodi, da te malce nategnejo, kot so naju s prijateljico, in dobiš predse tri debele konopljine omlete, ki bi zadostovale celo za kosilo, ti pa se želiš le malo posladkati, namesto palačinke, kot piše v jedilnem listu (vem, vem, mogoče oni mislijo na tiste, ameriške, take namreč videvam v filmih, ampak jaz ne živim v Ameriki, če pa jih že nudiš, pa, zaboga, napiši ameriške), potem to obrni v svoj prid in si kasneje doma iz viška naredi slastno popoldansko malico. Na omleto namaži jogurt, ga obloži z rezinami breskve in posuj s cimetom. Mnjam!

One has to be practical, especially with food.

If it happens you get beat around the bush a bit, as my friend and I was, and you get three thick hemp omelettes, which would be enough even for lunch, and you want just little something for desert, instead of pancakes, as written in a menu (I know, I know, maybe they have those American ones in their minds; I see them in movies, yes, but I don’t live in America, so for god’s sake, if you offer them, at least write down they are American), then you have to turn this into your pleasure and make yourself a delicious afternoon snack later at home. Spread youghurt on the omelette that has left, cover it with slices of peach and dust it with cinnamon. Mnjam!

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