Sem Maja in Škorčica je moj blog.
Rada fotografiram. Rada pišem. Rada slikam.
V tem in tudi ne nujno v tem vrstnem redu.
Neizmerno uživam tako za kot tudi pred objektivom.
Navzven sem opazovalka in pesnica navznoter.
Enako udobno se počutim v petkah kot v pohodnih čevljih.
Navdih najdem v naravi, ki mi daje ravnotežje,
v koreninah, ki svet napolnjujejo z vsebino,
in v skrivnih kotičkih, kjer si srce pusti zanetiti žar.
V slikovnem meniju na levi strani je hiter pregled
mojih slik na steklu, imenovanih AVGUSTvarjanja,
utrinki s potepanj po naši slikoviti deželi
in zbirka afnarij male, zvite in posrečene zverinice.
Vse od prve objave pa do 13. januarja 2012
sem za slikovno gradivo skrbela s pomočjo Praktice DCZ 10.2,
od tedaj naprej pa to počnem z Nikonom P300.
Urejanje Škorčice mi je v neznansko veselje,
če pa ob tem s svojimi zapisi in posnetki
še komu polepšam dan, je užitek toliko večji.
Živijo, hello!
My name is Maja and Škorčica is my blog.
I like to take pictures. I like to write. I like to paint.
In this and also not necessary in this order.
I enjoy being behind as much as being in front of the camera.
I am an observer on the outside and a poet on the inside.
I feel equally comfortable wearing heels or walking boots.
I find my inspiration in nature that gives me the balance,
in roots that fill the world with a content
and in secret places where my heart lets itself light up a passion.
In the picture-menu on the left you can
stroll through the images of my country, Slovenia,
have a quick look at my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings on glass
and smile at a monkey behaviour of the cutest and wittiest little beast.
From the beginning of this blog and up till 13th of January 2012
I had been taking my pictures with Praktica DCZ 10.2
and from then on with Nikon P300.
Making Škorčica is my great joy
and if there is someone that finds
my pictures and words inspiring in any way,
than the pleasure is so much bigger.
[English is not my native language. I try my best, but I know I still make
a lot of mistakes. Please, have a mercy and do not make fun of it! :)]