petek, 27. april 2012

Preroški zajtrk
Prophetic breakfast

Takole te preseneti vroč, uh, že prav poletno vroč dan, če ne jemlješ resno sončnika, zapičenega v zajtrk, ki mi ga je ušpičil Miro in ki me je danes nasmejal, ko sem stopila v kuhinjo. Ja, en sam samcat sončnik očitno že prinese vročino. :)

Sem pa s sabo vseeno tovorila celo goro kot se je kmalu izkazalo nepotrebnih stvari, dežnik, jopico in lahen šal, moč navade zadnjih dni pač, v slogu nič nas ne sme presenetiti, še vedno je april. :)

Ob tej čudoviti slavnostni rdečkasti večerni svetlobi vsem skupaj čestitam ob dnevu upora proti okupatorju.

This is how you can be surprised by a hot, uh, really summery hot day, if you don’t take seriously enough a parasol stuck into prophetic breakfast made by Miro, that surprised and cheered me up when I stepped into kitchen today. Yes, one tiny parasol is enough to bring the heat. :)

But I did carry around with me a bunch of unnecessary things, as it soon turned out, an umbrella, cardigan and a light shawl, this is a force of a habit in the style we mustn’t be surprised by anything, it’s still April. :)

It was a beautiful work free day and it still is a gorgeous evening lighted by a special festive red sunlight, as we celebrate the Day of Uprising against Occupation (in 2nd WW).

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