ponedeljek, 4. februar 2013

Po dežju
After rain

Kakšno lepo nebo se je odpiralo nad planinami včeraj!

Tista gora, najvišja na teh treh posnetkih, 2132 metrski Storžič, je hkrati najvišja, ki sem jo do sedaj osvojila, kakih 15 let nazaj. Glede na to, da se dokaj bojim tistih prepadnih planinskih poti, mislim, da bo pri tem kar ostalo.

I live in the Alpine part of the capital, so I often enjoy such views over the mountains, especially on days after rain, like yesterday.

The highest mountain in these three pictures, Storžič, is also the highest mountain I have been so far, about 15 years ago. It has 2132 meters and I don’t think I am going to beat this as I am quite afraid of those high steep paths.

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