ponedeljek, 11. november 2013

Arašidi vsepovsod
Peanuts everywhere

A poznate tisto, ko nekaj časa nečesa ne ješ, ne iz kakšnega posebnega razloga, kar tako, potem te nekega dne v trgovini iznenada prešine neustavljiva želja, po glavi pa se ti začne motati začudenje, kako dolgo tega že nisi jedel, in ti ni jasno, kako je do tega prišlo, in si seveda kupiš dve vrečki, potem pa to stvar, poleg tega, da jo grizljaš tudi samostojno, vtikaš v vsako jed naslednjih nekaj dni. :)

Nekako taka je zgodba s temi najinimi arašidi; najprej sva jih (ozirajoč se na ta recept) skupaj s koščki hruške in ščepcem kajenskega popra vtaknila v temno čokolado, enkrat drugič pa jih je Miro (namesto sončničnih semen, ki jih pogosto uporabi takole) skupaj s porom in sirom primešal še k jajcu, ki ga je poimenoval na zaprto oko (na posnetku je seveda že odprto - zaradi večje dramatičnosti, heh).

No, v naslednji seriji nekaj dni kasneje (ja, bila je še ena, kaj ste pa mislili!) sva hruško izpustila, kljub temu, da mi je ta sadež v kombinaciji s čokolado nekaj najboljšega, v družbi komolčarsko predrznih in že skoraj prostaško slanih oreščkov se njegova nežnost pač prehitro izgubi, tudi če je sprva mišljena kot protiutež.

You know that thing, when you haven’t eaten something for quite a while, without a particular reason, and then you suddenly get unstoppable desire for it and you wonder how did it happen to last so long since the last time and then you bought two bags of it and put it in every dish for the next couple of days. :)

Something like this our story with peanuts above goes; first we put (looking at this recipe) them together with pieces of a pear and a pinch of cayenne pepper into dark chocolate, and another time Miro (instead of sunflower seeds he many times uses this way) added them together with leek and cheese to an egg that he named in the manner of a closed eye (in our language we call a classic fried egg “jajce na oko” [=an egg à la eye]), but it is not closed in the photo any more, of course, because of the drama effect, heh!

Well, in the next round few days later (yes, there was another one, what did you expect!) we didn’t use a pear even though it is a part of one of my favourite fruit-and-chocolate combinations, because we realised it looses all its tenderness when in company with boldly pushy and vulgarly salty peanuts, even though it is meant as its counterweight at first.

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