Tale posnetek obleke, zabeležen tik pred začetkom njene preobrazbe, je že kar nekaj časa čakal na primeren čas za objavo, ko pa sem videla, kako lepo paše k mačicam v večernem soncu, sem vedela, da se bo stisnil v njihov pomladni objem.
Šiviljska prenova poročne obleke, ki gre zdaj počasi proti koncu in ki je pred tem pripadala nevestini mami, že nekaj časa poteka pod spretnimi škarjami (in tudi med slikami) moje sestre.
Picture of this dress, taken just before it was given to renovation, has been waiting for a while for appropriate time to post it and when I saw how it perfectly fits to these catkins in the evening sun, I knew immediately that it would enjoy in their spring embrace.
The sewing makeover of the wedding dress, that slowly goes to its end now and which belonged to the bride’s mother before, is in skilful hands (and also among paintings) of my sister.
Mehki svileni puhki v siju zlatih sončnih žarkov v kombinaciji svečanosti.