Ob temle sem se spomnila na eno mojih najljubših pravljic, vsekakor pa eno tistih, ki sem si jih najbolj zapomnila in katere tri zagonetke pogosto omenjam Miru, Pšenica - najlepši cvet, sicer ljudsko, ki jo je leta 1974 zapisala Kristina Brenk, ilustrirala pa Ančka Gošnik Godec. Lepa pravljica.
Seeing these kind of fields always reminds me of one of my favourite Slovenian folk-tales and for certain one of those which I have remembered most, Wheat - the most beautiful flower. It contains three riddles that a king gave to young men and the one who will successfully solve all of them will marry his beautiful daughter.
One of the riddles is to show up there with the most beautiful flower attached to the hat. All candidates came with some fancy flowers arranged into huge bouquets, but one came with a branch of a wheat-ear. Everybody laughed at him, but he won.
Beautiful tale. It was written down in 1974 by Kristina Brenk and illustrated by Ančka Gošnik Godec.
[I found only this link where you can read it in English]
Hi! I like the tale. I read fairy tales my whole life (mainly because of my profession!) and I am so happy with that. Lovely photos - such bright colours!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHave you seen the poppies and grass in my last, "sea" post? Our countrysides are so similar!! (As well as exactly the same pronunciation of "пшеница")...:D
Yes, yes, I have seen your beautiful trip-photos! I have easily imagined me travelling around there, ha! I remember a lake in shape of a heart, wasn't it? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like to read your comments so much - they are full of life and love, full of love of life. I'll be in touch with you anyway, soon. I'll explain there. :)
I'm curious... Thanks for the nice words!:)
IzbrišiJo poznam in res je tako resnična in lepa ... čudovito si ujela to lepoto v dotik fotografij :o) Vsaka izmed njih bi lahko bila razglednica :o) No, mogoče bi še kje Zojikin smrček gor pasal :o)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVse dobro ...
Ha, to tako hitro šviga, da jo je kar težko ujeti, hehe ...
Izbrišiampak, sem se spomnila, da tule pa sem jo ujela, lani:
Ta pravljica je res krasna... Tudi pri meni je ena izmed najljubših...
OdgovoriIzbrišiPohvale fotografinji ali fotografu:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiO, me veseli, da vas kar nekaj pozna pravljico. Imam občutek, da je dokaj neznana, hm ...