ponedeljek, 24. november 2014

Najpreprostejši sladoled na svetu
The easiest ice cream in the world

Kaki (sorte vanilija, ki je trši) nasekljaš na čimbolj drobne koščke, jih razprostreš po pladnju in jih daš v skrinjo. Ko te zamika sladoled, najboljše ne prej kot naslednji dan, vzameš želeno količino zamrznjenih koščkov in jih zmešaš v mikserju skupaj z nekaj kokosovega sladkorja in kisle smetane. To je vse.

Just chop kaki (I don’t know how you name it in English, the sort that is not that soft, but firm, when you cut it; we call it vanilija [=vanilla]) on as tiny pieces as possible,
spread them on a tray and put them in a freezer. When you crave for ice cream, best if not sooner than the next day, take out the amount of kaki pieces you need and mix them in a food processor together with some coconut sugar and sour cream. That’s it.

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