sreda, 3. november 2010


Leta 2001 sem staršema
ob njuni obletnici poroke spisala pesem,
ki sem jima jo 6 let kasneje ob isti priložnosti
skupaj z Mirom podarila naslikano na steklu. 

Ker praznujeta novembra,
se mi je ta mesec vedno zdel kot mesec ljubezni,
ko se ljudje najbolj pogosto poročajo - maj.

I wrote a poem for my parents’
wedding anniversary in 2001 and then,
at the same occasion 6 years later,
I painted it on glass. 

And just like the poem says,
for me November is like May.
Because they celebrate their anniversary in November,
I’ve always felt this month as the month of love, May,
in spring, when people usually get married.

Tole pa je praznovanje in nadaljevanje od včeraj.
Ne samo, da je oči naredil to prelepo namizno okrasitev,
presenetil nas je tudi s podstavki za kozarce,
narejenimi s kvadratki, izrezanimi iz
raznobarvnega jesenskega listja in plastificirani;

This is the celebration and the continuation from yesterday.
Not just that my dad did this beautiful table leaves-decoration,
he surprised us also with these tiles to put glasses on.
These little squares are cut out of
colourful autumn leaves and laminated with plastic foil:

Za konec pa še torta, ki jo je naredila sestra.
Je prava mojstrica v izdelavi
tort iz naravnih sestavin,
(sama naredi celo marcipan)
poseben povdarek pa je tudi v okrasitvi;

For the end here’s the cake that my sister made.
She is really good at preparing
cakes with natural ingredients
(she even makes marzipan by herself)
and she puts a lot of efford into decoration:

10 komentarjev:

  1. Brez besed sem. Iz prav vsega diha ljubezen, povezanost in predanost!

  2. joj, kako lepo... je že Maja vse povedala. toplo, o, kako toplo...

  3. Your imagery is lovely..... and your calendars are exquisite! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh, the best! Super ideja je to s podstavki.

  5. Zelo lepo. Vidi da vsi nosite v sebi ljubezen do umetnosti...

  6. Aww, Happy anniversary to your parents! Such a beautiful, creative family you have. I love that you wrote them a poem and now that it's etched so in glass.

  7. Hvala prav vsem! Thanks, girls!

    dls: Hello to my blog and welcome again! :)

  8. Wow! What a fantastic family you are! :)
    The poem on glass looks great!

  9. Beautiful designs inspired by the fall.

  10. Renate, thanks to you, too! :)

    Leovi: Nice to meet you! :)


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