sobota, 9. februar 2013

V mimohodu
By the way

Mrzel dan na Krasu se nama je odkupil z lepimi pogledi.
A cold day in Karst gave us a lot of beautiful scenes in exchange yesterday.

Na Škrateljnovi domačiji v Divači se je rodila igralka Ita Rina …
At Škratelj's homestead in Divača our film star Ita Rina was born …

… danes pa je ta čudoviti primer tradicionalne kraške arhitekture razglašen za etnološki spomenik,
… and today this wonderful example of the traditional karst architecture is listed
as ethnological monument and hosts the Museum of Slovenian film actors.

Občudovanje veličastne udornice Risnik z merami 540 x 360 in globino 74 m.
Looking down the spectacular collapse doline Risnik, with measurements 540 x 360 and a depth of 74 m.

Stopnice, ki vodijo do vhoda v Divaško jamo.
The stairs that led to the entrance of the Divača Cave.

Gostilna Skok je tista najprijetnejše vrste, z domačo hrano.
Skok is that kind of gostilna where you get delicious home prepared food.

Tole pa se pripeti, če zaradi fotografiranja okolice za trenutek nisem pozorna na namizno dogajanje.
This is how the consequences look like when I neglect
the table happening for a moment while photographing the surroundings
(it’s the carnival weekend so we couldn’t leave the table without having one of the traditional doughnuts,
especially since they were home-made).

Nanos me je tokrat spomnil na lokomotivo! :) The Nanos hill reminded me of a locomotive this time! :)

Vse to pa je bilo le v mimohodu. Glavno točko izleta pokažem kmalu.
But all this was just by the way. Very soon I will show you the main destination of our trip.

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