četrtek, 25. april 2013

Pomlad = jesen, fuzbalist = evangelist
Spring = autumn, footballist = evangelist

Ko je bil Mirov stric še otrok, je tiste možice na pročelju Šempetrske cerkve menda poimenoval fuzbalisti, ker je pozabil pravo besedo, evangelisti. :) Vsakič, ko grem mimo, se spomnim na to.

Pred drugo svetovno vojno je pročelje te stare cerkve predelal arhitekt Ivan Vurnik, v to novo podobo pa je vključil tudi mozaike svoje žene, slikarke Helene Vurnik (
pred tem je izgledalo takole).

Zunanjščina je vredna vsega občudovanja, ampak tokrat so mojo pozornost ukradle kot jesen oranžne krošnje, ki so se v pomladnih sapicah lesketale okoli nje.

I have been told Miro's uncle called those guys on a facade of the church of sv. Peter [=st. Peter] footballists, football players, because, being a little boy at the time, he had forgotten the right word, evangelists. :) I always remember this when I pass the church.

Before the Second World War the façade of this old church was remodelled by the architect Ivan Vurnik and decorated with mosaics made by his wife, the painter Helena Vurnik (this is how it looked before).

The exterior is worthy of all admiration, but this time my attention was stolen by autumn-like orange tree crowns that were sparkling around it in the breezes of spring.

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