Tole neustrašno bitjece me pogosto pride obiskat.
This fearless little thing often comes to visit me.
Kovinsko nebo pretekli konec tedna.
Steel sky the previous weekend.
Črna rižota - mmm, zadnje čase velikokrat na jedilniku, najpogosteje zabeljena le
z maslom in česnom; tokrat tudi z nasekljanimi posušenimi paradižniki v olivnem olju.
Black risotto - mmm, many times on the menu lately, mostly seasoned just with
butter and garlic; this time also with chopped dried tomatoes in olive oil.
Taksi-mami :), z enega od družinskih srečanj.
Taxi-mum :), from one of the family meetings.
Še ena z otvoritve semestrske razstave Visoke šole za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici.
One more from the exhibition opening of the student's art-pieces at School of Arts.