sobota, 31. januar 2015

Zimski sprehod
A winter walk

Kaj je lepšega kot zgodnji jutranji sprehod na s soncem obsijan zimski dan!

Is there anything more beautiful than early morning walk on a sunny winter day!

sreda, 28. januar 2015

Za mizo z astronavti
At the table with astronauts

A ni vesoljski tale jedilni pribor! Z njim sem jedla kot otrok, zato je bil vsak obrok
vedno prava dogodivščina. Prav vesela sem, da se skozi leta ni kam izgubil.

You just have to love this space set of cutlery, don't you! It was mine when I was a child
and because of that eating was always an adventure. I am so glad it didn't get lost through years.

četrtek, 22. januar 2015

Teden v petih slikah
A week in five pictures

Tole neustrašno bitjece me pogosto pride obiskat.
This fearless little thing often comes to visit me.

Kovinsko nebo pretekli konec tedna.
Steel sky the previous weekend.

Črna rižota - mmm, zadnje čase velikokrat na jedilniku, najpogosteje zabeljena le
z maslom in česnom; tokrat tudi z nasekljanimi posušenimi paradižniki v olivnem olju.
Black risotto - mmm, many times on the menu lately, mostly seasoned just with
butter and garlic; this time also with chopped dried tomatoes in olive oil.

Taksi-mami :), z enega od družinskih srečanj.
Taxi-mum :), from one of the family meetings.

Še ena z otvoritve semestrske razstave Visoke šole za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici.
One more from the exhibition opening of the student's art-pieces at School of Arts.

torek, 20. januar 2015

Samo zato
Just because

Včasih namenoma izpustiš dva ali tri avtobuse, samo zato,
da si greš pogledat staro umirajočo stavbo,
se malo sprehodiš vštric z zgovorno reko
in pomahaš tistima Vurnikovima delfinčkoma.

Sometimes you intentionally miss two or three buses,
just to go and see an old dying building,
take a short walk with talkative river
and wave to those little dolphins on the facade of St. Peter's church.

ponedeljek, 19. januar 2015


Ne, ni še poletje, kje pa! Nisva skočila v tako osvežujočo modrino,
pač pa čisto malo čez mejo, na italijansko stran, kjer sva se pasla na
razstavljenih delih študentov Visoke šole za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici.
No, it is not summer at all! We did not jump into such blue refreshment,
but we did jump just across the border, to the Italian part of the border town, Gorica,
where we enjoyed the exhibited works of students of Nova Gorica School of Arts.

Predjed na modrem krožniku po mamino, z nedeljskega kosila.
An appetiser on the blue plate from our Sunday lunch made by my mum.

Na pretežno sončen dan je bila tale flika prav vse, kar sem
danes na sprehodu imela od modrine. Ne prav modra odločitev.
On mainly sunny day, this scrap was the only thing I had
from all of the daily dose of blue on my walk today. Bad timing.

torek, 13. januar 2015

S sprehoda
From a walk

Danes je krasen sončen dan, a ukradla sem mu le srednji posnetek.

It is a wonderful sunny day today, but it is only the middle photo that I stole it.

ponedeljek, 12. januar 2015

nedelja, 11. januar 2015

• • •

torek, 6. januar 2015

Januarska obala
The Coast in January

Za obisk obale sva izbrala popoln dan.

Ne vem, kako je to možno, a tokrat sem v Piranu posnela zelo malo fotografij. Po drugi strani pa zato nisem imela nobenih težav pri izbiranju za objavo. Našel se je prostor tudi za eno Mirovo (tretja), posneto s telefonom.

We have chosen a perfect day to visit our Coast.

I do not know how it happened, but this time I did not took many photos in Piran. On the other side, I had no problems making a selection for the post. I had to include one of Miro’s (third one) taken by phone.

nedelja, 4. januar 2015

Kakšen dan!
What a day!

Zbudila sem se z zoprnim občutkom, da je končno nastopil čas, da tudi jaz podležem virusom,
pa so vitamini ter sprehod v tem lepem in malce vetrovnem dnevu odpihnili slabo počutje stran.

I woke up with the unpleasant feeling it is finally my turn to succumb to viruses, too,
but the vitamins and a walk in this a bit windy yet beautiful day blew the ill feelings away.

sobota, 3. januar 2015

Zlata mačja preja
Golden cat yarn

Dedek Mraz mi je pri starših prinesel Zlato mačjo prejo,
zbirko pravljic Svetlane Makarovič, ki sem si jo zelo želela! :)

Under my parent's tree, dedek Mraz [=Grandpa Cold] has brought me
a wonderful illustrated collection of children stories by our famous fairy-tales writer
and poet Svetlana Makarovič, the book I had been wishing for very much! :)

petek, 2. januar 2015

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