sreda, 29. julij 2015
petek, 24. julij 2015
ponedeljek, 20. julij 2015
Čas kislih kumaric
Cucumber time
Ejej, verjetno bi še za vstop v Severno Korejo potrebovala
manj potrdil kot za objavo stričevega dekolteja. >:)
Ejej, I would have probably needed less permissions
to enter North Korea than to post my uncle's décolleté. >:)
Oznake / Labels:
Poletje / Summer
četrtek, 16. julij 2015
Ohlajene tačke
Chilled paws
Čmrlj, če boš ti pomoču svoje tačke not, jih bom tud jaz!
Bumblebee, if you'll gonna dip your little paws in there (freezing cold!), then I'll do it too!
(In the second picture there is one of our popular national dishes, sirovi štruklji.)
(In the second picture there is one of our popular national dishes, sirovi štruklji.)
torek, 14. julij 2015
Čas beži
Time flies
Domača sivka pred mamino podobo, ki jo je pred skoraj dvajsetimi leti naslikala sestra.
Home lavender in front of an image of my mum, painted by my sister almost twenty years ago.
Home lavender in front of an image of my mum, painted by my sister almost twenty years ago.
Oznake / Labels:
Krajina / Landscape,
Moji zakladi / My treasures,
Poletje / Summer
torek, 7. julij 2015
sobota, 4. julij 2015
četrtek, 2. julij 2015
S konca junija
From the end of June
Oznake / Labels:
Images of Slovenia,
Izlet / Trip,
Poletje / Summer
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