sobota, 1. september 2012

Skozi skale, čez mostičke, pod rumene krošnje
Through the rocks, across the bridges, under the yellow crowns

Tolminska korita ponujajo osvežujoč sprehod po skrbno urejenih poteh, speljanih čez lesene mostičke in brvi, vklesanih skozi skale in vigajočih med koreninami. Tista vzdolž kanjona Tolminke je atraktivna, ponosna in oh in sploh veličastna ter svetlomodro-sivo klasicistično hladna, tista nad Zadlaščico, ki je rezervat soške postrvi, pa zeleno-rumeno topla in mehka, okrancljana z bohotnim baročnim rastjem ter razgibano ovinkasto speljana do razglednih ploščadi, kjer lahko občudujemo, kako se sončni žarki prebijajo skozi zelene krošnje dreves in oblivajo z mahom oblazinjena debla, veje in skale. Zlitje obeh rek je edino sotočje, ki se zgodi v koritih na našem ozemlju, zrak pa je prijetna mešanica alpskega in sredozemskega.

Obe poti nas popeljeta do kar nekaj zanimivosti, do termalnega izvira s temperaturo okoli 20°C v eni od jam pod Hudičevim mostom, ki je že naslednja znamenitost in ki se vidi 60 metrov višje in je bil zgrajen leta 1907 (zadnja slika; z mostu), do Medvedove glave, velike skale zaobljeno trikotne oblike in zaradi izrazite vlage in toplega podnebja poraščene z mahom, ki se je neznano kdaj odlomila in zagozdila med steni kanjona (predzadnja slika), do Skakalc, kjer Zadlaščica veselo skaklja iz tolmuna v tolmun, ustvarjajoč slikovite slapiče, in vse do Dantejeve jame, ki sem jo omenila v prejšnji objavi.

Tolminska korita [=Tolmin Gorges] offer a refreshing walk through carefully landscaped trails running across wooden bridges, meandering through roots or are carved into rocks. The one along the Tolminka River is attractive, proud, oh and ah magnificent, all in lightblue-grey classicism coldness, and the one over Zadlaščica River, which is also a Soča trout reserve, is greenish-yellow warm and soft, embellished with lush baroque vegetation and dynamically designed leading to view platforms where we can admire sunrays breaking through the green tree crowns and embracing moss-cushioned trunks, branches and rocks. The junction of the two rivers is the only one in the territory of Slovenia that happens in the gorges and the air is a pleasant mixture of the Alpine and Mediterranean.

Both trails take us to a number of attractions, to the thermal spring with a temperature around 20°C in one of the caves under Hudičev most [=Devil’s bridge], another point of interest that rises 60 meters higher and was built in 1907 (the last picture; from the bridge), to Medvedova glava [=The Bear’s Head], a big rock of characteristic shape and due to excessive moisture and warm climate overgrown with moss, that had broken off and stuck between walls of the canyon unknown when (the picture before last), to Skakalce [=little jumpers] where Zadlaščica River happily jumps from one pool to another creating picturesque cascades, and all the way to the Dante’s cave that I mentioned yesterday.

3 komentarji:

  1. A lovely post again! The photos reveal the beauty of these places, but I suppose it's much more thrilling and breathtaking to see them with your eyes! You've written a wonderful text, giving us information in a very nice style! Now I'm sipping from my coffee and am going to explore the links...:)

  2. Yes, it's much, much more beautiful and exciting when you actually experience it. We just talked with Miro&co about that when we were there (how photos aren't even a shadow of the sights) and concluded that it should be so, because otherwise it would be the same if you always stay at home. Those feelings/impresions are reserved just for you at the time at the certain location.

    Mmm, I smell coffee now! :)

  3. Yes, everyone sees things/sights through his eyes and sensitivity!... It's nice that you make a lot of trips!


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