petek, 31. avgust 2012

Med nebesi in peklom
Between heaven and hell

Ob poslušanju srčnega utripa reke Soče smo odkrivali nebeške lepote njene avre, se dotaknili pekla** in na koncu prostovoljno in pri polni zavesti podlegli božanskim bovškim krafom (slika 10).

*nasedli mikavni smaragdni bistrini te rečne lepotice, ki pa je v bistvu peklensko ledena bolečina
*postáli na vhodu Zadlaške jame, ki ji rečejo tudi Dantejeva, saj naj bi ta pesnik prav tam dobil navdih za Pekel v Božanski komediji (na tretji sliki je krasen razgled izpred jame)

[nižje dol ob reki lahko med drugim vidite tudi tole znamenitost]

Listening at Soča River heartbeat we were discovering heavenly beauties of her aura, touched the hell** and at the end we voluntary and in full awareness succumbed to divine bovški krafi pies (picture 10).

*fell for the tempting emerald clearness of this river beauty, which in fact is an ice-hellish pain
*at the entrance of the Zadlaška jama, also called Dante’s Cave as a legend says the poet supposed to get his Hell inspiration for The Divine Comedy right there (the third picture shows the magnificent view in front of the cave)

Additional information: the fourth picture shows the traditional Slovenian folk art of beehive-panel paintings and the sign in the last picture says Close the door

[among other things, you can also find this tourist attraction further down the river]

6 komentarjev:

  1. This is maybe the most interesting post for me lately here in your blog! So many new things to see and learn! Thank you! You have beautiful nature that resembles ours.:)
    I'm fascinated by the picturesque bee panels - it's true I've never seen something of the kind!

  2. Thanks, Rossichka, I love making these kind of posts. I learn quite a lot myself, too, or at least re-learn some things, ha!
    These bee panels (panjske končnice) are really beautiful and one of the most beautiful etno-features here, sometimes I forget that people from elsewhere don't know them. Yes, too many things we take for granted.

    I tried to take a closer shot of it, but the bees became a bit restless, he, so - this is it!

    Those at home, as a decoration, don't seem to be so challenging, haha!

  3. You have right - we take a lot of things for granted and don't value them. At least not enough.
    I'm just wondering (half seriously, half-not) whether those picturesque panels reflect in some way upon the bees?:)...

  4. The colours of the panels suppose to help bees to find their home, but I hope those pictures don't have some kind a psychological influence to them, hehe, since some old pictures are quite scary, one of the most famous is "the devil grinds (I don't know if this is the right word) a woman's tongue". So I really hope bees don't have nightmares. :))


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