nedelja, 24. marec 2013

Dva norca ali A mi je tega res treba!
Two crazy people or Do I really need this!

Takole sva naredila, da se je ja vedelo, da imava resen namen in da ne bi bilo kakšnih izgovorov: v nahrbtnik sva spakirala brisačo, ja, na včerajšnje zgodnjespomladansko popoldne, ki pa se je vse bolj prevešalo nazaj v mrzlo zimo; s ciljem, da porušiva najin rekord, ki je bil hkrati tudi edini dotedanji poskus in se je zgodil pred leti, na en podobno hladen, a vendar že poznoaprilski dan.

Ja, gre za hojo v tisti ledenici od Kamniške Bistrice! Jaz svojih nog stopal nisem potunkala niti do gležnjev, v njej sem zdržala komaj toliko, da je Miro pridobil dokazni slikovni material, in niti toliko, da se ob tem ne bi pačila od bolečine.

Naprej me je gnalo le to, da je občutek v nogah po tem, ko si spet obuješ tople nogavice in čevlje, zares prijeten, mravljinčast in žgoč. Za par minut. A že samo zato se splača stisniti zobe. Pa tudi zato, ker se na krilih lastnega poguma potem samozavestno primerjaš z onimi, ki v Sibiriji sredi zime skačejo v vodo v odprtine v ledu, no, ali pa vsaj s tistimi, ki se tu pri nas na novega leta dan mečejo v morje. :)

[Še opomba samo zame, da se mi bo kdaj kasneje, ko bom brala tole, še bolj fino zdelo: kasneje tega dne je začelo snežiti in še ni prenehalo, ko to pišem!]


This is how we did it, just to be completely sure our intention is real and that there would be no excuses: we packed a towel to our rucksack, yes, on yesterday’s early spring afternoon that was more and more sliding back to winter; with a goal to improve our record which is at the same time the only attempt so far and happened years ago on one similarly cold day, but in the end of April.

Yes, I am talking about walking in that glacial spring water of Kamniška Bistrica that is ice cold even in summer. I didn’t sink my legs feet even to the ankles. I managed to hold my breath hardly enough for Miro to take some picture evidences and not even enough not to hold my face still without making strange and funny faces due to the pain.

The only thing that was pushing me forward to do this is that pleasant, tingling and burning feeling you get in your feet after you put your socks and shoes back on. For a few minutes. This alone is worth enough to do it. And the feeling of flying on the wings of your own courage when confidently compare yourself with those people in Siberia that jump into water through ice-holes, well, or at least with the ones that throw themselves into the sea on a New Year’s day in our coast. :)

[And just a notice to myself, so when I will read this in the future I will find myself even more amazing: later this day started to snow and it still snows even as I write this!]


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