Ko so se (v Kamniški Bistrici) razbežale meglice, nas je sonce zvabilo na potep po njeni okolici,
v tamkajšnji koči pa smo si privoščili nekaj dobrot.
When the mists (in Kamniška Bistrica) had disappeared the sun invited us to explore around
and have a lunch at the local hut.
The dishes above are traditional Slovenian, first one žganci with home yoghurt [picture 3],
the second one jota (it can be made both, with turnip or sauerkraut) [picture 7]
and one of my favourite wines called cviček [last picture].
v tamkajšnji koči pa smo si privoščili nekaj dobrot.
When the mists (in Kamniška Bistrica) had disappeared the sun invited us to explore around
and have a lunch at the local hut.
The dishes above are traditional Slovenian, first one žganci with home yoghurt [picture 3],
the second one jota (it can be made both, with turnip or sauerkraut) [picture 7]
and one of my favourite wines called cviček [last picture].
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