Enkrat pozimi, ko sva šla na Zbilje, sem potem kasneje doma pri pregledovanju posnetkov za novo objavo med njimi odkrila tudi enega, ki ga je Miro na skrivaj obdelal. In me spravil v smeh. :)
Sem si rekla, da ga bom objavila kdaj drugič, na primer danes! :)
One day in winter when we went to Zbilje and later at home, when I was going through the photos for a new post, I discovered one that has been already secretly redesigned by Miro. It made me laugh. :)
(the male swan, addressing the female as Škorec, asking her something like if she is really his and she replies that this is something he should already know)
I told to myself I will post it some other day, why not today! :)