sobota, 28. februar 2015


Evo, to je prava eksotika - sadež, ki ne samo, da ga še nikoli nisem videla,
še slišala doslej nisem zanj. Pitaja - spet ena od dobrot, ki jih je sestra
prinesla z njenega trenutnega domovanja na otočku sredi južnih morij.

Now, this is a real exotic - a fruit which not that I have not tried yet,
but have not even heard for before. Pitaya - again, one of the goodies my sister
brought from her current home on an island in the southern hemisphere.

petek, 27. februar 2015

Diši po ...
It smells like ...

Takole špegam na tuje vrtove. :)

This is my way of other's-gardens-invading. :)

četrtek, 26. februar 2015


Ne kličite 112, da bi pogasili te dni, ki jih je zanetila pomlad.

No need to call firebrigade, if the spring has sparked up these last days.

sreda, 25. februar 2015

Tri sladke
Three sweet ones

V Stanu delajo slaščice sami. Tole je ena od njih - presna tortica. Zelooo okusna.
Menda je bil tudi tiramisu čisto nekaj drugega, kar v lokalih ponavadi strežejo pod tem imenom.
Raw cake at Stan.

Mamini kolački. Okusni in še okusnejši.
Mum's muffins. Delicious and even more delicious ones.

Še isti dan, ko se je sestra za nekaj časa vrnila z eksotičnega otočka v Indijskem oceanu,
nam je iz prinešenih dobrot pripravila tamkajšnjo zelo priljubljeno sladico - mango s pasijonko.
Res izvrstna kombinacija.
The very same day as my sister came visiting us from her current home
in a tiny exotic island in the Indian Ocean, she prepared us a the island's
popular dessert - mango with passion fruit. Really exquisit comination.

sobota, 21. februar 2015


Kruhki, ki jih je že kar nekaj časa nazaj redno, vsak večer, začela peči mami, zdaj pa jih izmenjujoče ona ali Miro, iz raznovrstnih polnozrnatih mok, skute in raznih semen; vam rečem – večeri so tako dišeči, zajtrki še boljši kot prej in zdaj ni več poti nazaj.

Little breads that my mum started baking quite some time ago, regularly, each evening, and now she and Miro are alternately doing it, from various whole grain flours, cottage cheese and different seeds; I’m telling you – evenings are so aromatic, breakfasts even better than they were before and there is no way back now.

petek, 13. februar 2015

sreda, 11. februar 2015

En zimski dan ...
A winter day ...

... ki se spogleduje s pomladjo.

... which is flirting with Spring.

torek, 10. februar 2015

Prešernov smenj
Prešeren's fair

Komaj znosna gneča. Barely sufferable crowd.

Najbolj luštne ptičje hiške, kar sem jih kdaj videla.
The cutest bird-houses I have ever seen.

Na vsakem vogalu kak gospod lajnar.
I do not know how this old street instrument is called in English,
but there was one on each corner of the town.

Prekrasna cerkev sv. Kancijana. The amazing church of St. Kancijan.

Zdravljica v različnih jezikih.
Our national anthem (written by Prešeren) in different languages.

Že kar nekaj časa sem imela namen obiskati tale kranjski Prešernov smenj, ampak, hudiča, niti v najbolj divjih sanjah si nisem mislila, da je to tako obsežna zadeva, res (Miro, pa to je huj k u Lublan za nou let!), kljub sončku in nasploh popolnemu zimskemu dnevu, ki je verjetno tja zbezal kar nekaj več ljudi kot bi jih sicer. Stojnicam ni bilo videti konca in ljudi se je trlo, po ulicah in v kulturnih ustanovah.

Saj bi rekla, da je nadležno, pa me ob takih prilikah vedno prešine nek topel občutek, da tolikšno število ljudi zanimajo tovrstne prireditve, ne samo potikanje po trgovskih centrih.

Skratka, privoščila sva si presna zavitka, skutnega in višnjevega, res božanska, malo kasneje, ko se je bilo mrazu vse težje upirati, še ajdov in jabolčni čaj, za domov pa nekaj mlečnih izdelkov, maslo, kislo mleko in jogurt.

So, these photos are from Prešeren’s fair in Kranj this past Sunday. It was a perfect sunny and pretty cold winter day.

The fair is one of the events honouring the day of death of our greatest poet and it is a national work-free holiday, with many cultural institutions having a free entry on that day.

The town of Kranj is a place where the poet had lived and worked for a few years, so we visited this historic house and stroll down the main square with numberless tempting stands offering lots of homemade goodies and traditional work. It was unbelievable crowdy, but beautiful.

We had cottage cheese and sour cherry raw strudels, both beyond divine, and for worming up a bit later buckwheat and apple teas.

ponedeljek, 9. februar 2015

Barve zime
Colours of winter

Krasen konec tedna, začenši z zajtrkom v Stanu.

A gorgeous weekend, starting with a breakfast at Stan.

četrtek, 5. februar 2015

Medtem ko sneži ...
While snowing ...

Pogled skozi okno mojega delovnega kotička je tako pomirjujoč te dni.
Mami sva podtaknila zahtevno šiviljsko nalogo. :)

There is something so relaxing in my working place's window these days.
We have thoughtfully assigned my mum for a huge sewing project. :)

ponedeljek, 2. februar 2015

Kot medo
Like a bear

Tako zelo uživam, kadar se zaradi vse zimske oprave počutim okorna kot medo,
ki lomasti po komaj uhojenih poteh.

Enjoying so much dressed in layers of all these winter clothes, feeling like a clumsy bear,
walking across snow-paths barely made.
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