Tako zelo uživam, kadar se zaradi vse zimske oprave počutim okorna kot medo,
ki lomasti po komaj uhojenih poteh.
Enjoying so much dressed in layers of all these winter clothes, feeling like a clumsy bear,
walking across snow-paths barely made.
Tudi meni je to poseben občutek.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAha, a veš, ko hočeš pogledat levo ali desno, pa se moraš cel zasukat, hehe, pa roke se zdi, kot da ti štrlijo pol metra od telesa. :))
IzbrišiAnd did you meet another "bears" along the paths?:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe snow on the last photo is like "sugar cotton candy"! Suppose you have it, too, in Slovenia.
I saw today the first snowdrops here and yesterday heard a bird singing although it was cloudy and rainy...
No, no, fortunately this is a non-bear area, Rossi. I just hope the bears know that. :) Anyway I didn't meet any other bear-soul, but I have a company of a wolf. :))
IzbrišiEwww, I don't like sugar cotton candy, really ... but it sure does look like it and I like the name at least. :)
Belo,belo in še bo belooooo:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ni fino! Ne razumem pa, da po vsej državi zapirajo šole (in to že kar preventivno). Kolikor pomnim, smo gazili v še hujših (kot zdaj samo napovedujejo) zimah v šolo, pa nihče ni jamral, nasprotno - uživali smo.