četrtek, 21. maj 2015

Grenko-sladek dan
A bitter-sweet day

Minil je mesec od tegale izleta v Škofjo Loko. Bil je prekrasen spomladanski dan, da mi je srce kar skakalo od sreče, a hkrati malce žalosten, saj se je sestrin obisk tistega dne zaključil. A táko je življenje, ane ...

It has been a month since we made a trip to Škofja Loka. It was the most beautiful spring day, it made my heart jump of joy, but a little sad at the same time since my sister's visit ended. But that's life, isn't it ...

2 komentarja:

  1. Dear Maja, I completely understand your sadness... But you were so happy to have your dear sister by your side in this memorable moment in your life - welcoming you little one!!
    Hope you'll be together again soon!
    Slovenia is very beautiful - we should visit it one day...
    Warm hugs to all of you!!

  2. Thanks, Rossi, I know you understand me completely.

    Oh, I count on that, that you'll visit my country some day, you must! :)


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