četrtek, 10. september 2015

Najboljša novica!
The best news!

Ta teden sem izvedela najlepšo novico: sestra nas bo verjetno za nekaj tednov obiskala veliko veliko prej, kot je sprva nameravala! Še letos! Tako komaj čakam!

Na posnetku je darilo, ki nama ga je z Mirom poleti poslala s svojega daljnega otočka za najina rojstna dneva. Prekrasen cekar, napolnjen z začimbami.

I heard the most beautiful news this week: my sister is probably coming to visit us for a few weeks, much much earlier as she has planned at first! Even before the end of the year! So excited!

In the picture, there is a gift she sent from her faraway island for Miro's and my birthday this past summer. A gorgeous basket with many spices.

1 komentar:

  1. I am so happy for you! Your Autumn promises to be warmer and brighter.:)


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