[...] ko se ne samo za hip ustaviš, gledaš gor v nebo in okoli sebe, vmes loviš lesketajoče poglede svojih dveh, pustiš, da te zasuje zlato listje in veš, da lepše preprosto ne more biti. [...] when you stop for not just a while, look up to the sky and around you, catch sparkling eyes of your beloved two, letting golden leaves cover you, knowing it just can not get better.
Konec poletja sva Čmrlja popeljala po najinih srečnih poteh, kjer so nas razveselile posledice sreče nekoga drugega in kjer nam je jesen narisala enega tistih čarobnih trenutkov, ... At the end of the summer we took our little Bumblebee with us to our happy paths, where consequences of someone else's happiness made us smile and then the autumn drew us up one of those magic moments, ...