torek, 31. maj 2016

Mah, vsaj anekdoto imamo
Meh, at least we have an anecdote

Ko smo zadnjič sedeli pri eni od miz pred Güjžino (Mimogrede, končno nas je zaneslo tja in ni nam žal; odlična hrana [ki se je, mimogrede št.2, tako lepo barvno ujemala z odtenkoma prikupnih rdečelask za sosednjo mizo, drobtinice gibanice pa so pozobali vrabčki v trenutku, ko sva odložila vilici] luštna lokacija in prijazno osebje), se pred Čmrljem, ki je svoje že odjedel in se zato v svoji kočiji siestično zabaval z opazovanjem mimoidočih, ustavi župan, se mu nasmehne in se z njim nekaj na hitro pomeni, nama vošči dober tek, malega pa za konec še požgečka po podplatih.

A če sem fotkala? Eh, eh, ne sprašujte!

Mah, vsaj anekdoto imamo.

The other day we were sitting in Güjžina, at one of the tables on the street in the old centre. The staff was super friendly and food was excellent, even colour-matching with two shades of cute redheads at the table next to ours and the crumbs of the famous traditional prekmurska gibanica were eaten by birds, as soon as we put down our forks.

After Bumblebee finished his meal, we put him in his stroller to have his siesta and to amuse himself with watching people go by. All of a sudden, a mayor of our town stops in front of him, quickly exchanges few baby-words and -faces, says bon appetite to us and tingles the little one's soles. 

Did I take a picture? Eh, eh, don’t ask!

Meh, at least we have an anecdote.

nedelja, 29. maj 2016

Snack time

Malica nekje ob poti.

Snack time somewhere by the road.

četrtek, 26. maj 2016

Poletna oblekica
Summer dress

Gospa Pomlad se že samozavestno preoblači v poletno oblekico in ob zadnjem obisku Logatca nama je, s svojimi pisanimi volančki, s Čmrljem tako frfotala pred očmi, da sva zamudila Mirovo reševanje ptičjega podmladka. Na srečo ga je ovekovečil.

Lady Spring is already confidently putting the summer dress on and, on our last visit in Logatec, she was fluttering in front of Bumblebee’s and my eyes with its colourful swirls, so that we almost missed Miro’s saving of a bird offspring. Luckily he took some photo-memories.

sreda, 18. maj 2016


Z vozičkom se ustavim ob robu precej neprometne lokalne ceste in rečem Čmrlju: Lej, polžek! Vidiš, hišico ima. Pa rožičke. Kako počasi leze, hm!

Bo moral pa pohiteti, heh, če se želi preseliti na drugo stran, skušam biti duhovita, sama sebi in najini vozičkarski družbi.

V tistem zaslišimo, kako se nam izpod klanca tik pred nami približuje tovornjak. Hitro se umaknemo vkraj, mamici se nakremživa in s kretnjo rok preženeva oblak prahu, podmladek navdušeno zatuli.

Rečem: Upam, da ga ni … ups!

V tistem si premislim; ne želim nadaljevati lekcije spoznavanja narave. Te še ne.

Zavijem stran rekoč Čmrlju: Pejmo gledat konjičke!

I stop my stroller by an empty local road saying to Bumblebee: Look, a snail! See its cute little house. And these tentacles! It goes so slowly, hm!

It's gonna have to speed it up a bit, heh, to move to the other side, I try to be funny, to myself and to our stroller-company.

In that moment, just in front of us, we hear a lorry approaching us uphill. We step aside quickly, mummies grimacing to a cloud of dust, trying to chase it away with hands, little ones excitingly yells.

I say: I hope it didn't … oops!

In that moment I change my mind; I don't want to continue this lesson of nature. Not yet.

I turn away saying: Let's go look ponies!

petek, 13. maj 2016

Limonada in minjoni
Lemonade and minions

Ko je na letošnjem PST-ju najbolj pritisnilo sonce, se nam je prikazala najprikupnejša stojnica z limonado, in ko so se nazaj grede tam v daljavi začeli zbirati sumljivo črni oblaki, nas je prehitel majhen poskočen minjon in predvsem mene spravil v dobro voljo.

Sestra in Miro sta me namreč nedavno, ob njenem obisku, večer za večerom silila gledati vse risanke s temi rumenčki v farmerkah, heh, da sem ju imela že poln kufer. Po preglasovanju sem sprva vzvišeno zavijala z očmi, potem pa, ko sem opazovala, kako se ob vsem zabavata kot dva otroka, je postalo (še kar) smešno tudi meni. :)

At this year's PST, when the sun was at its peak, out of nowhere there was the cutest stand with lemonade in front of us and later, on our way back, when we saw some black clouds gathering in the distance, a tiny lively minion passed us by and put us in a good mood, especially me.

Namely, when my sister was visiting recently, she and Miro were forcing me to watch cartoons of those yellow things wearing farmer jeans, evening after evening, heh, so I was fed up with them. After being over-voted, at first I was just sighing and rolling my eyes, but when watching them laugh like kids, it became (rather) funny to me, too. :)

ponedeljek, 9. maj 2016

Zelena, modra, zelena
Green, blue, green

Začeli smo v Strunjanu, z zeleno sladico, se nato spajali z neskončno spomladansko portoroško modrino in zaključili v zelenih Sečovljah, navijajoč za Mirovega brata, ki je (s plemenitim namenom in v zaključku s pomočjo prijateljev, zaradi poškodbe) pretekel državo v samo treh dneh(!).

We started in Strunjan, with a green dessert, then we were merging with the spring blue horizons of Portorož and ended up in the greens of Sečovlje, cheering at the finish line for Miro’s brother after running across the whole country in just three days (with a help of his friends, because of an injury at the end). Crazy phenomenal!

četrtek, 5. maj 2016

Nevljuden obisk
An unpolite visit

Medtem ko se nismo videli, nas je takole zamedlo.
Uf, uf, še dobro, da je že mimo! Bejžmo hitro naprej!

Since my last post winter came back for a day or two here, just before May.
So happy it is gone again. Let's move on quickly!
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