Objavljam nekaj utrinkov z včerajšnje otvoritve
razstave 3D modne fotografije Mimikrija
po treh londonskih razstavah
smo si jo v Sloveniji lahko ogledali v razširjeni verziji,
prav tako pa Matjaž s to razstavo vnaša 3D fotografijo
kot prvi na svetu tudi v modne vode.
I'm posting a few captured moments from yesterday's
I'm posting a few captured moments from yesterday's
opening of the exhibition of 3D fashion photography
after three smaller exhibitions in London
now we can enjoy it in a larger dimension here in Slovenia,
and the show is the first in the world
that brings 3D photography into a fashion world.
Bilo je táko izjemno doživetje;
počutila sem se kot na popotovanju po vesolju,
dokler seveda nisem spet zagledala
meni znanih obrazov in se zavedla,
da vseeno trdno stojim na tleh. :)
It was such an extraordinary experience;
I felt just like on a space journey;
that is, of course, until I saw some
familiar faces again, which reminded me
that I’m still standing firmly on the ground. :)
Pogled skozi toplejšo polovico 3D očal.
Kaj je to? 1,5 dimenzije? :)
A look through a warmer half of 3D glasses.
What is this? 1,5 dimension? :)
Didžejka je poskrbela za dobro glasbo;
DJ took care for a great music:
Matjaža se spominjam še kot majhnega fantka
in kdo bi takrat vedel, da bo zajadral v modno fotografijo.
Njegova vedoželjnost in pozitivna naravnanost
pa sta nakazovali na to, da bo, česarkoli se bo lotil,
v tem tudi blestel – in včeraj je to še enkrat dokazal!
I remember Matjaž as a little boy
and who would know back then
that he’s going to be a fashion photographer.
But his hunger for knowledge and positive approach suggested,
that he will be successful at everything he’ll be doing later in life –
that he will be successful at everything he’ll be doing later in life –
- and yesterday he showed this one more time!
Razstava bo na ogled do 14. oktobra v Kinu Šiška.
Pravo razkošje prekrasnih fotografij pa je moč videti
tudi na njegovi spletni strani www.matjaztancic.com.
The exhibition will be open till October 14th in Kino Šiška.
You can also enjoy in a real luxury of beautiful photos
if you visit his web page: www.matjaztancic.com.
tole pa je moralo bit eno ekstra doživetje...