četrtek, 14. oktober 2010

Iz Rusije
From Russia

Pred kakim tednom sem iz Maribora
prejela tole luštkano kartico. 

Poslala mi jo je Polina,
simpatična Rusinja, ki živi v Sloveniji.

Prav zato sem za kuliso izbrala babuške,
te izvirne tradicionalne lesene ruske igračke,
ki mi jih je v začetku osemdesetih
prinesel oči z izleta v rusko prestolnico, Moskvo.

Spomnim se, koliko veselja nama je s sestro naredil
in kako vneto sva jih odpirali, zlagali, zapirali
in še enkrat ponovno od začetka. :)

About a week ago I got
this cute postcard from Maribor. 

It was sent to me as a giveaway by Polina,
a lovely Russian, living here, in Slovenia.

That is why I decided to combine this card
with something Russian that I have.
These little babushka dolls my father brought me
from visiting Russian capital Moscow
in the beginning of the eighties.

I remember how much fun they caused me and my sister.
We were opening and closing them over and over again
and in-between lining them up. :)

Hvala, Polina! :) 

Thank you, Polina! :)

2 komentarja:

  1. ooouu!!Thank u for such a lovely post!!
    yes this postcard reminds me nesting dolls too!) great compasition!!
    Спасибо огромное дорогая Майя!

  2. Hm, because I know that "spasiba" means "thanks" in Russian...
    ... and with a little help of my (what's left of it) knowledge from one-year learning of Serbian cyrillic alphabet...
    ... AND because there is somewhere a big M in your sentence -

    - so I think I know what you wrote. :)

    Have a great week!


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