Današnje dopoldne, ko je bila v dolini še megla, sva izkoristila za obisk Osovnika, odkar pomnim, zame ene najlepših pohodniških točk. Malo sva posedela na klopci pri cerkvici sv. Mohorja in Fortunata iz leta 1551 in slutila pomlad.
Today morning when there was still fog in the valleys, we visited Osovnik hill close to our home.
And even though Slovenia is full of such wonderful hiking destinations, this is undoubtedly one of my favourites for as long as I remember.
At the top we sat on one of many benches by the church of sv. Mohor in Fortunat (st. Hermagor and Fortunat) from 1551, wondering where all the snow has gone so fast and we felt like in the middle of spring already.
At the top we sat on one of many benches by the church of sv. Mohor in Fortunat (st. Hermagor and Fortunat) from 1551, wondering where all the snow has gone so fast and we felt like in the middle of spring already.
Osolnik, Osolnik,... aha že vem kje je to. Pri Medvodah. Zelo luštno je tam, še posebej poleti ko travniki polno cvetijo. No, po slikah sodeč je tudi sredi zime tam čudovito. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper fotke, zelo zelo lepo. Tudi midva sva se podala v soboto nekoliko nad meglo in bilo je kot belo morje spodaj, ampak kaj, ko so bile baterije na fotoaparatu prazne :((
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, Saša, pri Medvodah. Luštno v vseh letnih časih, ne prezahtevno, pa še lep razgled vsenaokoli.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVladuška, škoda, da ne bom videla tvojih posnetkov; ampak ja, poznam to s praznimi baterijami, ravno ob "pravem" času, he! :)
A few days ago there was a travel show on television and there was a piece that showed Slovenia. Now I see your photographs I'm definitely putting Slovenia on my "If I decide to go abroad, these countries are keeping an beautiful adventure with them".
OdgovoriIzbrišičudovito... pogled, razgled - fantazija.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCelestine: I agree, there's so much beautiful places still to see. I hope your travel-wish-list will come true one day! :) Welcome.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMojca: hvala! :)