Morda bo kdo rekel, pa kaj spet teži s to pomladjo, saj je vsako leto enaka.
Zame ni. Ne morem se načuditi naravi,
če pa v ozadju svojo dramo odigrajo še oblaki,
je pa sploh… ah! Neopisljivo in neulovljivo.
Someone might say, ok, now she’s getting annoying with this spring, it's same every year.
Not for me. I cannot stop wondering at nature
and if clouds are playing their drama in the background,
it is just… ah! Indescribable and uncatchable.
Zame ni. Ne morem se načuditi naravi,
če pa v ozadju svojo dramo odigrajo še oblaki,
je pa sploh… ah! Neopisljivo in neulovljivo.
Someone might say, ok, now she’s getting annoying with this spring, it's same every year.
Not for me. I cannot stop wondering at nature
and if clouds are playing their drama in the background,
it is just… ah! Indescribable and uncatchable.