Pred enim tednom sva torej vijugala preko meje z Italijo,
parkrat načrtovano in nekajkrat seveda po nesreči :),
in tudi današnja objava iz tistega vikenda je od tam.
Slikovit Devinski grad s prekrasnim razgledom na morje se nahaja le okoli 3 kilometre od meje,
v istoimenskem kraju pa se je vse do leta 1950 govorilo pretežno slovensko.
Zdaj je ravno obratno.
To je kraj, kjer se dogaja legenda o Lepi Vidi
in v tem gradu je Rilke napisal svoje Devinske elegije.
In ko sva šla mimo vrat, na katerih je pisalo »privat«,
je Miro hotel potrkati in vprašati, če sprejmejo dva lačna gosta,
saj se je ravno bližal čas kosila. :)
O ja, s tako lahkoto bi se navadila na en takle poletni vikend! :)
So, one week ago we were criss-crossing the border with Italy,
few times intentionally and few times accidentally, as always :),
and today’s post from that weekend is also from over there.
Devinski grad (Italian = Castello di Duino) is a picturesque castle
with a breathtaking view over the Mediterranean Sea just about 3 kilometres across the border.
Devin (Italian = Duino) is a town with predominantly Slovene speaking population up to 1950s’
and now it’s all the way around.
It’s a place where Slovene folk legend Lepa Vida
(=Beautiful Vida; Vida is a common Slovenian female name)
takes place and in this fairy-tale castle Rilke wrote his Duino Elegies.
And while passing the door where the sign “private” was on,
Miro wanted to knock and ask them if they take two hungry guests,
as the lunch time was approaching fast. :)
O ja, I could so easily get used to a summer residence like this one! :)
Spet - hude fotke!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKer je bilo res hudo! :)