sreda, 22. december 2010

Piškotkovo sporočilo
Cookie’s message

Včeraj me je z domačimi prazničnimi piškotki
prijetno presenetila Ana
in če jih pogledate malo pobliže,
eden med njimi nekomu prinaša srečo;

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday by Ana,
who gave me these festive homemade cookies
and if you look a bit closer,
one of them is a fortune cookie:

Najlepši del igrice je,
ko lahko čestitam eni izmed vas,
ki ste vse po vrsti napisale take lepe misli.
Teh ni nikoli preveč, kajne,
in zato se vam najlepše zahvaljujem.

Obljubljam, da bodo darilca tudi v prihodnje –
- toda šele naslednje leto! :)

Maja, naj te koledar popelje skozi čudovito leto! 
(Prosim te, da mi e-pošlješ svoj naslov.) 

The best part of this little giveaway game is,
that at the end I can congratulate one of all
who have written such beautiful thoughts.
We can never get enough of those, can we?

I promise that there are going to be giveaways
also in the future – but not until the next year! :)

Maja, let the calendar lead you through a wonderful year!

2 komentarja:

Lepo je videti, da listaš po mojem spletniku. Vabim te, da napišeš svoje mnenje;

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