Danes je bil dober dan.
Po pre-dolgem času sem se dobila z dobro prijateljico
in bivšo sošolko Uršo. Kako lepo je bilo poklepetati!
O novih stvareh, o upanjih in skrbeh,
predvsem pa o malih, a zelo pomembnih načrtih.
Kelly iz 88editions mi je za nameček sporočila,
da se je pretekli petek ena od mojih zakladnic znašla na Etsy-jevi naslovnici.
Prvič, zato sem seveda zelo vesela! :)
After too long time I went for a coffee
with my good friend and ex-schoolmate Urša.
How nice it was to chat a bit! About what’s new, about hopes and worries,
and mostly about little, but very important plans.
On top of that Kelly of 88editions let me know
that on last Friday one of my treasuries was featured on the Etsy’s front page.
First time ever, so I’m very happy of course! :)
čestitke za dobre stvari na naslovnici, za dobre stvari, ki so se sestavile v dober dan. naj se še v jutri. vsak dan v jutri :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDa bi le bilo čimveč takih dni ♥
OdgovoriIzbrišimmmm. Nice photo Maja!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDo you have vacations also right now? Or when do the kids in slovenia have vacation? Here, two months, july and august. And the teachers too! ME! :))) Big kiss
Čestitke in želim ti še več takih dobroh dni.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMojca, Darsi, Vladuška: hvala! :)
Yes, we also have vacations here, whole July and August (and the last week of June or something like that - I already forgot). :)
So, enjoy, Kathy, as much as you can! :))