Ne samo zato, ker sem jih včeraj z več koncev poslušala,
da na mojem blogu že en teden gledajo »un moker list«,
objavljam nekaj utrinkov z najine sinočnje skupne rojstnodnevne zabave. :)
No, tokrat tele fotke prav gotovo ne bodo tu visele ves teden,
saj v vrsti čakajo že krasne četrtkove.
I was accused yesterday by many people
that they have to watch “that wet leaf” on my blog for a whole week already,
so not just because of that I’m posting a few captured moments
from last night’s Miro’ and mine joined birthday party. :)
Well, this time these photos won’t be hanging here for a whole week for sure,
as there are some wonderful photos from Thursday already waiting to be posted.
Belated greetings for your birthdays! Be happy in a life, full of love and beauty!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou are so kind, Rossichka! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNaj bo vse najboljše, kot je videti tudi na fotkah :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVseeeee najboooljšeee. Imela sta pa krasne prigrizke iz sadja in kolikor vidim testenin in sira. Njami.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDarsi in Vladuška, hvala! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišip.s.: Vladuška, imaš pa sokolje oko! :)