sreda, 30. julij 2014

Blagodejne energije
Beneficial energies

No, spet drugič pa se zgodi obratno in stvari se izravnajo. Kljub temu, da obstaneš pred vrati Bio parka Nivo, ki naj bi se, v nasprotju z muzejem, ki smo ga razočarani zapustili nekaj minut pred tem, odprla šele kakšno uro kasneje, te prijazen uslužbenec ne samo spusti notri, ampak celo zavzeto razloži stvari.

Na primer, da je bio park nastal, ker so delavci gradbenega podjetja začeli opažati, kako dobro se počutijo, ko so delali na tistem koncu. Tako so območje spremenili v sprehajalni park s potkami in z zdravilnimi točkami, označenimi z barvnimi rožicami, vsaka namenjena zdravljenju določenega področja telesa.

Prizor na prvem posnetku me je tako očaral, da se kar nekaj časa nisem mogla spraviti naprej.

V vročem popoldnevu smo se naužili sveže blagodejne energije in kasneje, ob kosilu v gostilni, družno ugotavljali, kako smo od tedaj dobre volje in brez enega samega spora. :)

We visited Bio park Nivo about a month ago. In the past, workers of a construction company had stated about feeling surprisingly good while working in that area, the company turned that part into a pleasant park with cute paths and painted flowers, marking energy points, each colour for different body parts, different health problems.

I fell in love with the scene in the first photo!

All filled up with beneficial energy we continued our trip by having a lunch … with one single argue. :)

6 komentarjev:

  1. Zelo lepo zgleda in krasno je postati na takih mestih in se nauziti nove energije.

    1. Res je, meni so ful všeč take stvari … Res je pa tudi, da se morajo um, srce in misli prepustiti. Če si ves zategnjen, verjetno ne koristi dosti, heh. Pa še prekrasna narava!

  2. Oh, this is really very interesting! I'm hearing about such a thing for the first time. I'm always fascinated when I learn that there are people who care about the others and want them to feel well. The first and the last photos are magical. Gracious swans!...

    1. Oh, here we have quite a number of such energy spots/parks across the country. I love them as I believe the Earth does have healing powers, somewhere even very concentrated, but you have to let it in - have to free your mind, heart and thoughts, if you want benefits - mutual cooperation. :)

      I’ve heard churches and all other religion objects were usually built in such spots, where people felt good energies and related them with something divine - sounds logical.

  3. Že same fotografije so čarobne, kaj je šele v resnici. Hvala za novo izletniško idejo.

  4. It's true about the churches. I also know that if you see a dry tree very close to alive ones, it means that the energy at its place is not good. I haven't heard of such energetic nature spots in Bulgaria, being marked for people to know. But the Rhodopes mountains, for example, are very special in that sense... (Have you read my last post?)


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