sreda, 29. april 2015

nedelja, 26. april 2015


Miro, s Čmrljem v naročju, hodi sem in tja in ga, da bi ga pomiril, animira:

Lej, kaj je tuki! Knjigice. Vseh barv.
Mali gleda.

Pa zunaj. Cela pomlad!
Mali gleda.

O, hotel! Pa en gost je not'.
Mali spet zajoka.

Ja, vem, propadl' bojo.


Miro, with Bumblebee in his arms, walking around trying to calm him down, animating him:

Look, what’s here! Books. All sorts of colours.
The little one watching.

And outside. A whole spring!
The little one watching.

Oh, a hotel! And one guest's inside.
The little one starts crying again.

Yes, I know, they’re going to bankrupt.


sreda, 22. april 2015

Svet je lep
The world is beautiful

Še težje kot posloviti se od sestre, ki odhaja živet na drugi konec sveta, je posloviti se od nje po njenem nekaj tednov trajajočem obisku, ki se je zlil z najbolj prelomnim in nežnim obdobjem v mojem življenju.

A svet je širen. In naša povezanost se kot pahljača razpre čez njegovo neskončno nebo. Zato je še lepši.

Harder than saying goodbye to my sister, who goes to live to the other part of the world, is saying goodbye to her after visiting us for some weeks in the most crucial and gentle part of my life.

But the world is wide. And our connection spreads like a fan across its endless skies. This is why it is even more beautiful.

[In the last photo there is a cute game of words; someone changed the name of the place into “the world is beautiful”.]

ponedeljek, 20. april 2015

Prva pomlad
The first spring

Ko sem se po teh istih poteh sprehajala v zlati jeseni in beli zimi, sem sanjarila o sveži pomladi. Zdaj je tu, jaz pa še vedno ne dojemam. Čas je zagonetna stvar in nekatere stvari so prevelike za naše omejene zemeljske glave.

When I was walking these same paths in the past golden autumn and white winter, I was daydreaming about fresh spring. Now it is here and I still cannot grasp all that is happening. It is a tricky thing, the time, and some things are just too big for our limited earthy heads.

četrtek, 16. april 2015

Slončki vzvratno

Miro: Kolk časa je pol trajal, da je zaspal?
jaz: Jah, kar neki. Do 50 slončkov sem prišla.
Miro: Uf …

Naslednjega dne:

jaz: Do kolk slončkov si prišel?
Miro: 83.
jaz: Ufff … !
Miro: Sem šel v kontra smer …
jaz: … ?
Miro: 100 malih slončkov se je pozibavalo
        na pajčevini tam pod drevesom.
        Ko so ugotovili, da so pretežki,
        so odvrgli enega slončka.
        99 malih slončkov …

(Modra odeja je bila še moja. Spletli sta mi jo mami ali babi, ne vem točno.)

(The blue blanket was mine. It was knitted by my mum or my grandma, don't know exactly.)

torek, 14. april 2015

Klopca z razgledom
A bench with a view

Tam nekje v gozdni spokojnosti stoji klopca s čudovitim razgledom na Zbiljsko jezero.
Igralcu Poldetu Bibiču so jo postavili sostanovalci bližnjega medvoškega doma upokojencev.

Somewhere in the tranquillity of forest, there is a bench with a wonderful view over Lake Zbilje.
It has been built for one of our late actors, Polde Bibič, while he was living in the nearby retirement home.

ponedeljek, 13. april 2015

Pasje mrcince
Little dog-beasts

Oh, ve pasje mrcince, brez vas bi bil svet precej bolj pust. Na vsakem koraku me spravljate v smeh.

Oh, you little dog beasts, world would be much duller without you. You make me smile at every step.

petek, 10. april 2015

Najlepši nasmeh
The most beautiful smile

Ko ti do konca neprespanemu sem in tja le nekako uspe dnevu ukrasti kake pol urice, da si povrneš moči, pa ne moreš zaspati, ker ti glavo napolnjuje podoba, kako ti obraz zagnanega, mladega življenja vrača nasmeh, najlepši nasmeh.

When you, totally blear-eyed, finally find half an hour to go to bed to recover, and then you cannot fall asleep, because there is the most beautiful tiny little returning smile of the enthusiastic young life lingering in your head.

ponedeljek, 6. april 2015

Zapestnica prijateljstva
A bracelet of friendship

Temule pravim zapestnica prijateljstva in pred kratkim, ko sem šla mimo cvetočega drevesa, sem jo privezala na eno od vej, tako kot mi je razložila draga blogarska prijateljica Rossi, ki mi jo je naredila in poslala.

Zares lepa bolgarska tradicija, ki slavi pomlad. [Več o tem si lahko preberete na njenem blogu.]

I call this a bracelet of friendship and when I passed by a blossoming tree a few days ago, I tied it on one of the branches, as my dear blogging friend Rossi, who had made and sent it to me, had explained.

It is a beautiful Bulgarian tradition celebrating spring. [You can read more about it on her blog.]
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