Ne zgodi se mnogim, kaj še ne mesec dni staremu človečku, da bi mu umetnik posvetil razstavo. Našemu čmrlju jo je, kljub temu, da je vso sinočnjo otvoritev prespal, posvetila njegova teta. Ta lep spomin bomo negovali za večno. Hvala!
Do začetka maja vabljeni na ogled!
It does not happen to many people, yet alone to someone not even month old, that an artist dedicates an exhibition to him. It did happen though to our tiny bumblebee yesterday. At the opening, his aunt dedicated him the exhibition of her paintings, even though he slept through the whole event. We will nurture this beautiful memory forever. Thanks!
Čestitke Čmrlju in mamici, mladi družinici pa veliko lepega! Čestitke tudi novopečeni tetici! Uživajte!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo pa je res lepo od tete :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a remarkable day for your little boy! He starts his life among love, beautiful nature and art! Who knows, maybe one day he'll become a great artist?...xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiCongratulations to your sister on her exhibition! I'm glad I read about it and I wish her success!
Hvala vsem, thanks! :)