sreda, 31. avgust 2016

ponedeljek, 29. avgust 2016

Kava je, kave ni
With or without coffee

Vse se začne ... z A-jem!
It all begins ... with an A!
Knjigice v kavarni ---> mami ima nekaj časa samo zase.
Children books in a coffee shop ---> mummy has some time just for herself.

Čeprav je soseda rekla: o, kadarkoli greste tod mimo, vzemite grozdja kolikor hočete,
lej, koliko ga imamo!, tole početje še vedno smatram, tehnično gledano, za rabutanje.
Even though our neighbour said: oh, you just pick as much grapes as you can, whenever you pass by,
just look, there's so many!, I still consider it, from the technical point of view, as scrumping.
Mmm, kako diši sivka pri Trnulji.
Mmm, the scent of lavender at Trnulja.

Ni knjigic ---> mami ostane brez kavice.
No books ---> mummy without coffee.

petek, 26. avgust 2016

Poletni zajtrk
Summer breakfast

Kruh z maslom, sir, fige in kefir, postreženo na Milankinem krožniku!
(malčkov zajtrk, seveda!)

Bread and butter, cheese, figs and kefir, served on Milanka's plate!
(breakfast of the little one, of cource!)

četrtek, 25. avgust 2016

Kozam ni mar
The goats just don't care

Tam nekje je ena stara graščina, po svoje čarobna, bi rekla. Prizor sem takoj uvrstila v rubriko znanstvena fantastika. Ne veš, ali bi stal tam in kar gledal, gledal, tako fotogenična je ta beda, ki se meša s slutnjo nekdanje mogočnosti, ali pa bi se iz istega razloga zjokal. Bi se, zjokal, bi se, če ne bi vse skupaj, vsaj naključnemu mimobežnemu popotniku (tik pred vzponom na Mengeško kočo), omilile luštne in nič krive vsepovsod-gomazeče kozice, ki se požvižgajo na vse skupaj.

(Gre za še enega od dolgotrajnih lastninskih sporov in posledično protesta. Škoda.)

There is an old mansion, magical, almost science-fiction scene to me. I will tell you why. It is an absurd and photogenic mixture of misery and a hunch of an absent glory. You do not know whether to just watch and watch or cry. You would cry, for sure, unless a bunch of cute innocent jumping-all-around goats would soften the perspective, at least to the accidental traveller.

(It is one of sad old stories of a property dispute and consequently a protest. Shame.)

torek, 23. avgust 2016

Še trije poletni utrinki
Three more summer moments

Obožujem ta del starega mestnega jedra!
I love this part of the old town!
S tema mičnima gospodičnama se pa midva s Čmrljem pogosto druživa in potikava naokoli.
My Bumblebee and I, we hang out with and cruise around together with these two charming ladies a lot.
Presrečna, pa četudi mi podari le še dva lista z drobnega cveta marjetke,
ki mu še edina ostaneta med prstki, ko prihlača do mene.
Over happy, even though he brings me only two petals of the tiny daisy,
left between his baby fingers after he toddles to me.

petek, 19. avgust 2016

Nagajive kozice
Naughty little goats

Ko po zelo kratkem in prijetnem vzponu prispeš do Mengeške koče,
te tam, poleg vrste drugih živali, pričaka cel trop nagajivih in požrešnih kozic. Luštno!:)

After a very short and pleasant hike, when you reach Mengeška koča hilltop,
you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a very naughty and greedy group of goats. Cute! :)

sreda, 17. avgust 2016

Tri poletne slike
Three images of summer

Poletje se počasi izteka ...
The summer is slowly running out ...

Moja kavna tihožitja so zadnje čase spremenila podobo.
My coffee-time still-lives got a new look lately.
Nor na jagodičevje!

nedelja, 14. avgust 2016

To je poletje!
This is summer!

Senca, knjige in bazen - to je poletje!

Ja, takole naš mulček, če je le pet sekund sam, izkoristi priložnost, da se izobražuje.
(In NEEE, kje pa! - otroške knjigice niti približno niso tako zanimive!)

A shadow, books and a pool - this is summer!

Yes, this is how our naughty bambino, if he only gets five secunds alone, takes an opportunity to educate himself.
(And NOOO! - children books aren't even close that interesting!)

petek, 12. avgust 2016

Ko vdihneš gozd
When you breath in a forest

Pa smo šli v hribe, v gozd! Dolg in počasen vdih.
Po dooolgem času se mi je spet zahotelo bloganja.

And so we went to the hills, to the forest! Took a deep and slow breath.
After a looong time I felt like blogging again.
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