petek, 12. avgust 2016

Ko vdihneš gozd
When you breath in a forest

Pa smo šli v hribe, v gozd! Dolg in počasen vdih.
Po dooolgem času se mi je spet zahotelo bloganja.

And so we went to the hills, to the forest! Took a deep and slow breath.
After a looong time I felt like blogging again.

6 komentarjev:

  1. Hello! I took a deep breath, too! Soon we are going to the seaside, but my soul is longing for the mountains... Thankfully, the small charming village includes them both!:)
    Hope you are all O.K., enjoying your summer and the fast growing-up of your son!xx

    1. Dear Rossi!

      Can't believe. After posting this, I saw similar "problems" on your blog. :) I was so happy (and surprised about our strange absence-coordination", heh) I didn't miss anything (because, due to my blog-eclipse, I didn't follow others either).

      Obviously we both have a break (blame it on summer), but love blogging very much - this is what that counts! Can't imagine blog-world without your posts! Have a great time at the seaside!

    2. Yes, we have obviously much in common!:) I will count your answer here for my giveaway, because it's suitable for a comment to my post (unless you don't comment)...:)
      I see a big boy on the photos!!x

    3. O, you are so kind (and I am so forgetful!). Of course, count me in, please!


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