sobota, 31. december 2016

Pod črto
Bottom line

Mineva leto, lepo leto. Ko potegnem črto, ostane le hvaležnost.
Hvaležnost, da se je skupaj po najinih romantičnih kotičkih sprehajal tudi Čmrlj.
It was a good year. When I draw the bottom line, there is just gratefulness.
Because we visit Miro's and mine romantic places in the company of our Bumblebee.

Svoje sledi je (spet) pustil povsod
(hm, pa ravno v prejšnji objavi sem o tem pisala). :)
He left his artistic and exploring fingerprints everywhere

(hm, it was just the previous post when I wrote about it). :)

Naj se sreča, ki je bila z nami tudi na toboganih v družbi Čmrljeve ljube malčice Sisi,
preseli in pomnoži tudi v prihodnje leto!
Let the happiness, that followed us also on slides, in the company of Bumblebee’s beloved toddler Sisi,
spread and multiply into the next year!

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