ponedeljek, 16. avgust 2010

Etsy treasury

Prej sem lahko le občudovala druge, zdaj, ko sem sama del Etsyjevega sveta, sem tudi jaz sestavila svoj Etsy treasury (Etsyjeva zakladnica). Prav zabavno je bilo!

Ne vem kako to, da sem sestavila črno belo kombinacijo; ali je prišla na plano moja grafična podlaga, ali sem hotela nastaviti protiutež svojim barvitim slikam ali pa je temu botrovalo le dejstvo, da sem to sestavljala sredi noči? :)

Kakorkoli, tu je – moj prvi Etsy treasury;

Till now I could just admire others, but now, when I’m part of Etsy-world, I made my own Etsy treasury. It was such a fun!

I don’t know how I ended with black and white; maybe my graphical education came to the surface, or maybe I just wanted to give my coloured paintings a bit of counterweight to balance everything, or is it just a fact that I was putting it together in the middle of the night? :)

Anyway, here it is – my first Etsy treasury:

Tik pred to objavo pa sem zasledila, da se je tudi ena od
mojih AVGUSTvarjanja slik na steklu
(Dražgoški kruhek)
pojavila v eni od zakladnic.
Sestavila jo je MariaSantissima;

Just before posting this I discovered, that also one of
my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings on glass
(Dražgoški kruhek)
is a part of one of the treasuries.
It was made by MariaSantissima:

1 komentar:

Lepo je videti, da listaš po mojem spletniku. Vabim te, da napišeš svoje mnenje;

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