Pred nekaj tedni sem našla spletnik They Draw and Cook, kjer poteka izviren projekt. Avtorja Nate Padavick in Salli Swindell objavljata »narisane recepte«, ki jih prispevajo umetniki z vseh koncev.
Ideja mi je bila tako všeč, da sem se odločila sodelovati tudi sama. Ker sem pred kratkim pisala o dražgoškem kruhku in ker je motiv zelo primeren za tehniko slikanja na steklo, sem ga upodobila.
Resda se dražgoški kruhek večinoma poklanja le za okras, pa vseeno – še vedno je recept! :)
Few weeks ago I came across They Draw and Cook blog where an original project is going on. Authors of this blog Nate Padavick and Salli Swindell are posting recipes, created by artists from all over.
I liked the idea so much that I decided to participate with one of my own. Since I wrote about dražgoški kruhek recently and because this motif is very suitable for a glass-painting technique, I painted it.
It is true that dražgoški kruhek is more as a decoration, not meant as a food in a first place; but anyway – it is still a recipe! :)

slika brez okvirja je velika 30x40 cm;
painting's dimensions (without the frame) are: 30x40 cm:
painting's dimensions (without the frame) are: 30x40 cm:

Moj prispevek za They Draw and Cook:
sliko sem "razrezala", naredila pravi format
in vse skupaj primerno računalniško obdelala.
My contribution to the They Draw and Cook:
I "cut" the painting, made the right dimensions
and edited everything with a bit of computer help.
sliko sem "razrezala", naredila pravi format
in vse skupaj primerno računalniško obdelala.
My contribution to the They Draw and Cook:
I "cut" the painting, made the right dimensions
and edited everything with a bit of computer help.

Originalna slika bo je naprodaj v moji spletni trgovinici, takoj ko jo odprem.
The original paintingwill be is available in my on-line shop as soon as I open it.
The original painting

Če želite sodelovati tudi vi ali pa vsaj pogledati, kaj so drugi prispevali, zelo priporočam ogled omenjenega spletnika
They Draw and Cook.
Pa dober tek!
If you’d also like to participate or just to take a look at many gorgeous paintings with delicious recipes, I very much recommend browsing their blog
They Draw and Cook.
Dober tek, Bon Appétit!
They Draw and Cook.
Pa dober tek!
If you’d also like to participate or just to take a look at many gorgeous paintings with delicious recipes, I very much recommend browsing their blog
They Draw and Cook.
Dober tek, Bon Appétit!
This is really beautiful. What a great idea to enter it as a recipe too. Thanks for sharing some of the steps in its creation.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVšeč, noro všeč!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPismo, dobro zgleda!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala vsem trem za lepe besede.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks to everyone for nice words.
Marna, pozdravljena in dobrodošla! :)
How original, love it!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow!!! very beautiful work! You're very very good! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišithis heart is a wonderful folky motif! :)