Danes praznuje rojstni dan prijateljica Urša,
s katero sva se spoznali na Famul Stuart, kjer sva bili sošolki.
Pred par leti, že dolgo po tem, ko sva zaključili študij
in smo se po dolgem času dobili,
sva z Mirom dobila v dar tale prelep izdelek,
ki ga je sama oblikovala in izdelala;
Today my friend Urša has a birthday.
We met and became good friends at Famul Stuart,
where we were schoolmates.
Few years ago, long time after finishing the study
and also long time without seeing,
we got together again for New Year’s holidays
and Miro and I got a gift from them,
this beautiful art piece that she designed and made:

Kot rečeno se zadnja leta na žalost videvava bolj poredko,
med srečanji pa mi je med drugim v lep spomin
prav ta keramična posodica s čebelicami;
As said, unfortunately we don’t see each other very often lately,
but I have such beautiful memories in-between,
like this cute ceramic vessel with little bees:
med srečanji pa mi je med drugim v lep spomin
prav ta keramična posodica s čebelicami;
As said, unfortunately we don’t see each other very often lately,
but I have such beautiful memories in-between,
like this cute ceramic vessel with little bees:

Čebelice sva kasneje spremenila v novoletne okraske za jelko;
Later we changed these bees into Christmas-tree decorations:
Later we changed these bees into Christmas-tree decorations:

Utrinki z ene izmed šolskih ekskurzij po naši obali
(Piran, Forma Viva v Seči in kamnoseška delavnica)
z Uršo na sredini;
Here are few moments from one of our school excursions back then
to our Coast, with Urša in the middle,
looking down from the walls of church of sv. Jurij (st. George).
We visited Piran, collection of stone sculptures
in open environment Forma Viva and a stone workshop:
(Piran, Forma Viva v Seči in kamnoseška delavnica)
z Uršo na sredini;
Here are few moments from one of our school excursions back then
to our Coast, with Urša in the middle,
looking down from the walls of church of sv. Jurij (st. George).
We visited Piran, collection of stone sculptures
in open environment Forma Viva and a stone workshop:
aww, that little bee box is so adorable :) i love handmade goodies from good friends!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like this expression of yours - "bee box"! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnd I was puzzling what word to use! :)