Danes je dan reformacije,
zato začenjam ta zapis z besedami Trubarja,
ki je bil začetnik le-te v Sloveniji.
Za številčno majhen narod je izjemnega pomena dejstvo,
da je avtor prvih dveh tiskanih knjig,
napisanih v slovenskem jeziku.
With this famous archaic phrase from Primož Trubar,
napisanih v slovenskem jeziku.
With this famous archaic phrase from Primož Trubar,
written in the title,
I’m beginning this post today,
when we celebrate the Reformation Day here in Slovenia.
A priest Primož Trubar was Slovenian protestant
reformer in 16th century, born in 1508.
He was the author of the first
printed books in Slovenian language:
Katekizem in Abecednik (Catechismus and Abecedarium).
They were published in 1550.
For a nation of only 2 millions
it is of utmost importance.
They say that our language is very difficult.
Among other things it is one of rare ones that use the dual.
So, here I am posting a mini Slovene-English dictionary
for all of you readers around the world;
so that when I’ll stop writing in English,
you will understand me.
Just kidding! :)

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