Danes so nas na Slivnico pospremili pomladni sončni žarki, pogled na ostanke Cerkniškega jezera in sladki vetrovi z vonjem po morju.
Po uvodu skozi skrivnostne gozdove so nas na vrhu te čarovniške planote pozdravili skozi sneg prebujajoči se telohi in z enim od njih vam voščim ob kulturnem prazniku!
We were accompanied on Slivnica hill today by spring sunrays, sweet sea-smelling winds and a view towards the remains of Cerkniško jezero, the disappearing lake that is never the same as it changes with seasons.
Bellow the top of the hill there is a cave where warm and moist air rises from in winter time, manifesting as a mist, so in the past people believed that this hill is a home of witches.
We didn’t meet any of them, but we did see some young hellebores shyly peaking through the snow, when we crossed mysterious woods and came on the plateau. This one is to honour this day, Slovenia’s national holiday, the Day of Culture, when we proudly remember our greatest poet France Prešeren.
We didn’t meet any of them, but we did see some young hellebores shyly peaking through the snow, when we crossed mysterious woods and came on the plateau. This one is to honour this day, Slovenia’s national holiday, the Day of Culture, when we proudly remember our greatest poet France Prešeren.
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