ponedeljek, 28. februar 2011

Kamniti rekorder
Stony record holder

V soboto po kosilu sva jo mahnila v enega najstarejših krajev v Posočju, v pisnih virih prvič omenjen že leta 1001, Solkan.

Tam stoji prvovrstna gradbena znamenitost, most z največjim kamnitim lokom na železniških progah na svetu in drugi nasploh, za nemškim v mestu Plauen (90 m), vendar pa je slednji zgrajen iz mešanice lomljenega kamna in betona.

Solkanski most je bil zgrajen leta 1905. Celotna dolžina mostu je 220 metrov, razpon loka pa meri 85 metrov in je zgrajen iz 4533 natančno obdelanih kamnov (iz školjčnega apnenca iz kamnoloma v Nabrežini).

Most je eden od 65-ih na Bohinjski progi Jesenice - Nova Gorica, ki je najzahtevnejši odsek železniške proge, ki je povezovala Dunaj s Trstom, alpski svet s sredozemskim, srednjo Evropo s pomembnim morskim pristaniščem.

V prvi svetovni vojni je bil uničen in se je zrušil v Sočo. Obnovili so ga na enak način, z obdelanimi kamni, kar je bilo za obdobje, ko so že gradili z betonom, nenavadno, vendar mu je prav ta odločitev ohranila njegov rekordni status do danes. Tudi v drugi svetovni vojni so ga zadeli, vendar se tokrat lok ni zrušil.

Zdaj je obnovljen in kot pomembna tehniška dediščina spomeniško zaščiten, Bohinjska proga pa je del turistične ponudbe, saj po njej vozi muzejski vlak.  

On Saturday after lunch we headed to one of the oldest settlements in Posočje region (the emerald Soča river area), to Solkan, which was first mentioned in documents in 1001.

We went to see first class constructional masterpiece, the bridge with the biggest arch on railways in the world and second overall after a bridge in German Plauen (90m), but this one is made of mixture of broken stones and concrete.

Our Solkan bridge was built in 1905. The entire length is 220m, the range of the arch is 85m and is built of 4533 precisely shaped stones (from shell-limestone from the Nabrežina quarry).

The bridge is one of 65 along the Bohinj railway from Jesenice to Nova Gorica, which is the most difficult section of the railway that used to connect Dunaj (Vienna, Austria) with Trst (Trieste, Italy), Alpine world with Mediterranean, middle Europe with an important sea port.

The bridge was destroyed during the First World War and it collapsed into the river. Later it was renovated on the same old-fashion way, with shaped stones. For the time of concrete-building era it was unreasonable, but that decision maintained its record till today. It was damaged again at the end of Second World War, but luckily not to much.

Now it’s renovated and under protection as an important technical heritage. Bohinj railway is now a part of tourist programme with an interesting museum train.

nedelja, 27. februar 2011


Danes zjutraj na Osovniku brez razgleda, vendar obdani s tihim, mrzlim, prijetno šelestečim srebrom.

Today morning on Osovnik hill without view, but surrounded with silent, cold, pleasantly rustled silver.

sobota, 26. februar 2011

Vmesni postanek
Little stop on our way

Danes naju je prepihala taka burja, da sem komaj lovila želene motive v te moje kvadratke,
tako me je premetavalo. Vendar objavljam le vmesni postanek pri izviru reke Hubelj nad Ajdovščino
na poti do najine današnje končne destinacije.

Objavo o tej bom pripravila v naslednjih dneh, danes po prihodu domov ni bilo dosti časa
(ki sva ga nekaj minut izgubila tudi zaradi napačnega nenamernega ovinka skozi Italijo),
saj se nama je mudilo k sestri na slastne dobrote.

There was such strong burja (a wind typical for our coastal region, which blows in gusts) today,
that I was barely able to catch desired motifs into these little squares of mine.
But I’m posting just the short stop at spring of Hubelj River above Ajdovščina town
on the way to our final destination today.

I will prepare a post about that in the next days,
because there was not enough time when we came home tonight
(not to mention a few precious minutes lost while unplanned u-turning across Italy on our way back),
as we were in a hurry to catch some delicious food at my sister’s.

zavitek iz skute, fete, kaper, črnega sezama in maskarponeja
(povsem možno, da sem kaj izpustila) 

roll with cottage cheese, feta, capers, black sesame and mascarpone
(it’s quite possible that I forgot something)

petek, 25. februar 2011

Preko neba
Across the sky

Na ta sladek dan so morski konjički v mojih mislih preko neba zaplavali na papir.
Seahorses in my mind swam across the sky onto paper on this sweet day.

četrtek, 24. februar 2011

Metuljev poljub
Butterfly kiss

Skupaj sta metulj…

Together they are butterfly…

Bratranec in njegova punca sta me prosila, če ta dva kozarca okrasim z njunima imenoma.
Pa sem ju spremenila v (skoraj) tako velika zaljubljenca, kot sta sama, povezana s poljubom. :) 

My cousin and his girlfriend asked me if I would decorate these two glasses with their names.
So I changed them into (almost) such big sweethearts like they are, joined in a kiss. :)

sreda, 23. februar 2011

Mmmm... 4

Na hitro zmešano skupaj za današnjo večerjo:
česen, por, jajca, rdeč fižol, paprika, kapre in sir. 

Quickly scrambled together for tonight’s dinner:
garlic, leek, eggs, red beans, paprika, capers and cheese.

torek, 22. februar 2011

Umetnost v očeh
Art in the eyes

Klepet o umetnosti s sestro, v rokah pa knjiga, še dišeča po Firencah,
mestu Michelangelovega Davida. 
A chat about art with my sister and with a book still scented of Florence in my hands,
the city of Michelangelo’s David.

ponedeljek, 21. februar 2011

Mmmm... 3

Zaradi časovnega neujemanja sva si danes za večerjo pripravila dva različna obroka;

Because of different timing we prepared ourselves two separate meals for dinner tonight:

brokoli s poširanim jajcem, začinjeno z mešanico soli in čilija in rdeč fižol s popraženim porom, sirom in karijem
broccoli with poached egg, spiced up with mixture of salt and chilli and red beans with fried leek, cheese and curry

brokolijevo steblo s poširanim jajcem, porom, dvema različnima vrstama sira in papriko
broccoli stem with poached egg, leek, two kinds of cheese and paprika

Zdaj se pregovarjava, kateri je bil okusnejši. :)

Now we are arguing which one was more delicious. :)

sobota, 19. februar 2011

petek, 18. februar 2011

Mmmm... 2

Današnja večerja;

Today's dinner:

Avokado, obogaten z limoninim sokom in zeliščno soljo, motovilec s kaprami in olivnim oljem,
sir s plemenito plesnijo in za konec še sirova štručka.

Avocado enriched with lemon juice and herbal salt, lamb's lettuce with capers and olive oil,
mould cheese and for the end a piece of cheese bread.

četrtek, 17. februar 2011

Fridini obrazi
Frida's faces

Ob tako neprivlačnem vremenu me je danes prijetno obarvala razstava Bolečina in strast,
posvečena Fridi Kahlo, ki sta jo v Mercator centru v Šiški pripravila Unikatna sanjalnica in Me Vi Art.

In such unattractive weather like today I was pleasantly coloured by an exhibition,
called Bolečina in strast (Pain and passion), which was organized by
Unikatna sanjalnica and Me Vi Art and is dedicated to Frida Kahlo.

Meni najljubša je Frida Ande Perdan, vsa v nežnih vijoličastih odtenkih, tako drugačna od močnih, živih barv, ki jih vedno povezujemo s to mehiško slikarko. Izstopata le strastno zlata uhana, ki šepetata o njeni sončni domovini in preroško nihljata o njeni žalosti.
Všeč mi je, kako je ujela tisti njen izraz, ki ga včasih uzrem na nekaterih njenih fotografijah.
Tisto prav posebno milino, ki prekriva vse, čeprav boli.

My favourite is Frida by Anda Perdan, all in gentle shades of purple, so different from bold vivid colours that are always associated with this Mexican painter. Earrings are the only ones that stand out with their passionate gold and they whisper about her sunny homeland
and they sway prophetically about her unfortunateness.
I like how she caught that expression of Frida that I sometimes have a glimpse of at looking at some of her photographs. That special grace that covers everything although it hurts.

Na vseh slikah je ista portretiranka, pa vendar se zdi, kot da bi bila vsaka od njih druga oseba.
Vsi njeni obrazi s strastjo in z bolečino poženejo kri v brezoblično sivino, obrazi ustvarjalcev,
skriti v zaodrju, pa vdahnejo življenje v ta pust dan.

On all of those paintings there is the same woman, and yet it seems like each of them is a person of her own. All her faces with passion and pain start the blood running into a shapeless greyness
and hidden faces of the artists behind breathe the life into this dull day.

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