Zoji se na snegu popolnoma utrga. Divja kot ponorela, z laježem zahteva metanje kep [slika 6] v nedogled in res je pravi užitek videti vse to brezmejno pasje veselje! :)
Mačke ima rada, no, domače, za tuje ji ni kaj prida mar, a ker slednje tega ne vedo, jo raje pocvirnajo ali se potuhnejo, ko vidijo tega našega divjaka, kako nori naokoli kot zmešan. Tale lušten muc, ki je bil, mimogrede, veliko bolj prijazen, kot izgleda na posnetku, se je danes skril v krošnjo drevesa tik ob poti in tam počakal, da se je zverinica zadosti oddaljila.
Zoja je ena najdojemljivejših psov, kar jih poznam, in tako preprosto je živeti z njo, ima pa hkrati eno najizrazitejših osebnosti, kjer se prepletajo vrsta razpoloženj, muhavost, zvijače, preračunljivost, prebrisanost in nerazložljive navade, res hecna mešanica vsega.
Eno od njih sem odkrila včeraj, po tisti obilni pošiljki snega. Kadar zapade sneg, želi ven na vrt bolj pogosto kot sicer, ja, všeč ji je sneg in rada ga jé, ko jo kar naenkrat vidim, da stoji pod ptičjo hiško in ne samo, da golta semena, ki so popadala dol, celo jeznorito in egoistično odganja ptičke, ki so jih želeli pozobati.
Če ne bi bilo takó nagravžno požrešno, bi se celo smejala. Sem se pa kasneje in še vedno se! :)
Zoja acts like a maniac when she sees snow. She runs like hell, barks demanding snowball-throws to catch them [picture 6] in infinity and it is a real pleasure to see all that huge dog joy! :)
She loves cats, well, her roommates, others doesn’t interest her very much, but those cats do not know that and obviously rather run away because she looks lake a devil running around enjoying freedom. Today, this cute cat, that was much friendlier than it looks in the photo, by the way, hid into the crown of a tree by the path until Zoja was far ahead already.
She is one of the cleverest dogs I have ever seen and it is so easy to “handle” her, but she is also a dog with the most distinctive character ever with a number of moods, capriciousness, opportunism, tricks and unexplainable habits, such a funny mix.
One of them I discovered yesterday after the newest layer of snow. She wanted me to let her out in the garden many more times than usual and I said ok, she loves snow, she likes to eat it, but then I saw her standing under the bird house, greedily eating the seeds that fell down and angrily and egoistically drifting away every bird that wanted to eat them.
If it had not been so disgustingly greedy, I would have laughed. I did later and still do! :)
Ja, te zimske pasje radosti so pravo veselje. Užitek jih je gledati. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo je en sam smeh, neprestano - včasih jo samo pogledaš in že ko vidiš tisti njen ksiht, ko spet kaj tuhta ... saj ne moreš, da bi ostal resen! :)