Ha, lipicanci me, poleg tega, da me popolnoma očarajo, vedno spravijo tudi v smeh; namreč, ne morem si pomagati, ampak ob njih se skoraj ne zgodi, da se ne bi spomnila na tisto pametovanje med glavnima igralcema v nekem ameriškem filmu o tem, od kod le-ti izvirajo. Prvi pravi, da iz Španije, drugi da iz Portugalske. :)
Kakorkoli, toliko modre krvi kot na izletu, katerega glavna točka je bila obisk Lipice, zlepa ne vidiš na kupu! :)
Ha, beside the fact that Lipicanci [=Lipizzaner horses] fascinate me completely, they also make me laugh; namely, I can not help myself, but every time I see them I remember of one American movie where the two main characters, famous actors, are being smart about where the horses originates, the first one claims Spain and the second Portugal. :)
It is funny because they are both wrong. The cradle of these gorgeous animals is in my country, in Lipica stud farm, just an hour drive from the capital, in the magic Karst region we visited the other day. As one of the national symbols, this horse is featured also on our 20 cents euro coin.
I think this was my first winter visit to Lipica, therefore it was not just the horses and fences that were white this time. It was cold and windy, but I could watch them forever, white grown ups so elegant and black young ones funny playful. And you can’t see so much blue blood gathered together every day! :)
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