Objavljam še nekaj drugih šem, ki so poleg kurentov zadnjič vzbudile mojo pozornost;
I am posting a few other carnival characters that I liked the other day besides kurenti:
I liked cundri from Šavrini hills in Istria, because of the inspiring message saying that admirable things can come out of poverty, too. In past times women had sewn colourful cloth-pieces onto their husband’s everyday wardrobe and after carnival season they could take them off again. They wore hats decorated with paper flowers or triangle paper bag with colourful ribbons attached.
Njihov orkester na pustnih povorkah spremlja grofa in grofico Coronini, v lasti pa imajo preko 30 unikatnih inštrumentov, med njimi tudi 120 let staro trobento. Letos se predstavljajo v novih kostumih, saj obeležujejo 300-letnico Tolminskega punta.
Characters from Tolmin have similar background story. Their speciality is that they play on instruments, mostly older than 58 years, all very ingeniously made out of food cans from the UNRRA packages sent to them after World War 2. Crazy, just crazy, isn’t it!
The Tolmin carnival orchestra is official accompany to the count Coronini of Tolmin and his wife and have over 30 original instruments, with 120 years old trumpet among them. This year they celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Tolmin peasant uprise.
Orači are traditional characters from Haloze region. Few of them represent horses with a decorated plough behind them. I like their hats very much. In this group there are many characters involved, also one or more kurenti. They walk from house to house and symbolically plough around to sew a new seed for a good harvest.
In the group from Ilirska Bistrica, the characters are divided to nice and ugly ones, good and bad, and the most eloquent examples of this ancient contrast are one of our most known mythological persons zeleni Jurij [=green George], who is dressed in ivy, representing spring …
… and his other, the dark half is the wild hunter, called raupšic.
Some groups have found their inspiration across the borders and the one I liked most was this the Oktoberfest one. I don’t know, maybe because of quite a few visits to Munich I have still never been to this German event.
There were, of course, also some groups making jokes out of the current political situation in our country and the one that says it best without words, since I have run out of them, was a skilfully made cow with beautiful eyes who, you will just have to believe me on this one, produced enormous amounts of shit.
Aja, pa en škljoc za konec. :)
So, many groups, ethnological and modern, and even more of them strolled down the street. Generally speaking, the last ones are not my cup of tea, because many times there is too much commotion and too little content, but you have to cherish the effort of each of them.
Oh, yes, and smile for the camera! :)
Imamo res krasno tradicijo šeg in običajev. Pa hvala za podrobno razlago.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, res! Meni je tako hudo, ker vsakič opazim, kako malo vem. :)
IzbrišiO super reportaža. Se je to tudi dogajalo na Viru pri Domžalah?
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi na Viru, ja.
IzbrišiJe prav fino raziskovati. Čeprav, pri veliko stvareh se težko dokoplješ do kakšnih spodobnih informacij pa še te so marsikdaj nasprotujoče si, potem pa vedi, kaj je res in kaj ne. :) Škoda. Moti me, ker marsičesa ne znamo spromovirati.