Miro, po prihodu s Češke navdušen nad njihovimi knedlički,
jih je kmalu za tem naredil tudi sam – a iz tritikalne moke,
ki sva jo po naključju odkrila pred kratkim.
[tritikala je križanec med pšenico (Triticum) in ržjo (Secale)]
Miro, soon after coming home from the Czech Republic, inspired by their knedlíky,
decided to make them also himself – but from triticale flour
which we accidentally discovered recently.
[triticale is a hybrid of wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale)]
jih je kmalu za tem naredil tudi sam – a iz tritikalne moke,
ki sva jo po naključju odkrila pred kratkim.
[tritikala je križanec med pšenico (Triticum) in ržjo (Secale)]
Miro, soon after coming home from the Czech Republic, inspired by their knedlíky,
decided to make them also himself – but from triticale flour
which we accidentally discovered recently.
[triticale is a hybrid of wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale)]
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