sobota, 10. avgust 2013

Ne brez piva!
Not without beer!

Z Mirom sva zdaj že potrjena mojstra v tem, da ponesreči vpadava v države. To se nama redno dogaja, kadar se potikava naprimer po primorskem koncu, kjer se v trenutku nepozornosti meni nič tebi nič znajdeva pri sosedih, in tako je bilo tudi tokrat, na najini odpravi proti Češki.

Seveda, tako se zgodi, če greš na pot, kot ponavadi, preveč ležerno prepričan, da ti ne prav natančno predpopotno načrtovanje doda kanček vznemirjenosti, in res je tako, zato pa naju ne izuči; in kadar se preveč zlahka pustiš zapeljati elektronskim napravam, pa čeprav so te nategnile že ničkolikokrat in si, jasno, spet brez dobrega starega zemljevida v roki, sumničavo pogledujoč na obcestne table in potem na ekran, rekoč hm, a ne pelje tole v malo čudno smer? in trenutek kasneje neee – menda že ve, kam naju pele. (Ja, no pa pejmo spotoma še v eno državo, ane, recimo na Slovaško!)

Boste rekli, da ne more biti res, ampak enako, oziroma še huje, ker dogodek vsebuje še možnost vrnitve s Češke, znane proizvajalke piva, brez … am … piva, se nama je zgodilo ob povratku.

Opravičuje naju dejstvo, da sva ob vsej popotniški sproščenosti pozabila, da je bila nedelja. Se peljeva proti jugu, vsa razgreta od ogledovanja Českega Krumlova, ko Miro pravi, da bi bil počasi že čas, da kupiva pivo za domov, kar pa JE bilo že od vsega začetka trdno zasidrano v načrtih, a se kar naenkrat znajdeva v Avstriji.

Hmja, pivo je le pivo, sva rekla, še posebej cenovno zelo ugodno, zato sva se obrnila in se hkrati z grozo spomnila, da je nedelja pozno popoldne. Vseeno sva obupano in zagrizeno (navajam Mira: s Češke se pa že ne bom vrnu brez pera) tavala po njihovih lokalnih cestah in ja, bila je psihično najhujša preizkušnja :) in k vragu sta šli kaki dve uri, a domov sva se vendarle vrnila otovorjena s kar nekaj zaboji različnih primerkov te pijače.

When it comes to invading into countries, we, Miro and I, are certified masters of it. It happens to us regularly when we visit for example the littoral parts of our country that suddenly we find ourselves at our neighbours, in Italy, and the same thing happened to us the other day, on our little expedition to the Czech Republic.

Of course, this is what it happens when you leave home, as usually, too leisurely convinced that a not-into-details pre-travelling planning adds a pinch of an extra excitement, and it truely does, that is why we repeat this mistake constantly; so, this is what it happens when you get yourself too easily led by electronic devices, even though they screwed you many times before and you are, of course, without a good old map in your hands, suspiciously looking at roadside signs and then to the screen, saying hm, isn’t this going to a bit weird direction? and a moment later nooo – I guess it should know where it’s going to. (Yes, well why don’t we go to one more country by the way, right?, let’s say to Slovakia!)

You will say that it can not be true, but the same, or even worse,
as the episode includes the possibility of returning from the Czech Republic, a well known beer producer, without … am … beer, happened on our way back.

The excusing fact for us is that, at all that relaxed travelling, we completely forgot it was Sunday. Heading south, all heated up by sightseeing Český Krumlov, Miro says the time has come to slowly buy some beer to take it home and this was something that WAS solidly written in our plans, when we suddenly find ourselves already in Austria.

Hmja, beer is beer, after all, we said, especially a very reasonably priced Czech one, so we made a u-turn and at the same time freaked out realising it was Sunday late afternoon. Anyway we were desperately and eagerly (quoting Miro: I’m not coming back from the Czech without beer!) wandering through their local roads and yes, it was psychically the cruellest challenge :) and we lost about two hours of time, but we did return back home loaded with a few different specimens of the drink.

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