Za roditi se je Portugalska, za umreti svet oziroma, kot sem tudi nekje zasledila in se mi sliši lepše, roditi se kot Portugalec, umreti svetovljan. Ne me držati za besedo, nič od tega verjetno ni pravilno, ampak nekaj takega pomeni tale naslov, ki sem ga vlekla kar skozi vseh 10 portugalskih objav.
Ja, ta dežela je polna pogledov, uprtih v morje, v daljave, v širni svet, je slikovita in polna življenja, tako da sem se hitro otresla prvotne želje, da bi posnetke zbrala v pregledne tematske objave.
Raje sem jih natrosila poljubno, kot so se mi skladali skupaj, da bi s tem najbolje ponazorila vtis, kakršnega sem prinesla nazaj; čudovito mešanico lepega, starega, novega, divjega, urejenosti, vrveža, spokojnosti, okusnega, barv, navihanosti, sproščenosti, kaosa, strasti, življenja!
Njihov jezik mi je pa tako ali tako najlepši na svetu! :)
[predhodni sklop posnetkov s Portugalske je tule]
To be born, Portugal, to die, the world. This is what the title that I have been dragging it for 10 Portuguese posts is talking about.
Yes, this land is full of sights, pointed towards sea, to the farawayness, reaching the wide world, it is picturesque and full of life, so I quickly shook off my first wish, to gather pictures into clear theme posts.
I rather scattered them randomly, just as I wanted in the particular moment, to recapture an image that I brought back home; a wonderful mixture of beautiful, old, new, wild, neat, commotion, serenity, deliciousness, colours, mischievousness, untightness, chaos, passion, life!
And their language, for me the most beautiful of all! :)
[here is the previous set of photos from Portugal]
tudi meni se je Portugalska vsedla v srce...vidim, da nisem edina :) lepe fotografije...
OdgovoriIzbrišiDolgo časa sem si jo želela videti in želja se mi je končno uresničila. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala in lep pozdrav! :)
Hi! I just want to tell you that your posts (picture gallery!) about Portugal are my favourites! I'll come to see them again and again, and again... Last summer I spent in Lisbon and Sintra(!) less than a week, but my heart is still there! If I have to choose just one country to visit till the end of my life, it will definitely be Portugal! Yellow, blue and white...
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf you have missed my posts - here they are...
Hope you are happy!
Thank you for the pleasure!!
Ha, You know, I found one picture from this post (the 4th one) with the same motif like one of yours in the 2nd post! :)
IzbrišiI admired all your photos already when you had posted them, but now I went through them again and I saw everything in completely different perspective, of course. It was all so familiar to me. :)
We saw quite a lot of the country from south beaches to the northern town of Guimarães. The last is (together with Porto) one of my favourite cities there. It is clean, peaceful, lovely, quiet and Porto was chaos, traffic, dirt, wild, but charming, lush and I loved them both.
Otherwise my favourite places were those mighty, windy cliffs, gorgeous! And the beaches, of course, I'm such a sucker for beautiful beaches! :)
So, I believe we both hope to visit Portugal again some day, but I wouldn't dare to choose to live there, just there. :) There are so many beautiful places, it would be a very hard decission for me, hehe.
You saw a lot of the country, you must be very happy! I don't want much - just to go there once again (especially in Sintra and at all costs at Cafe SAUDADE!). I'm glad we share one and the same passion...